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She walked into the Ravenclaw commonroom still wondering what was wrong with Piper when she ran into Leo.

"Hey! Watch- oh hey Annabeth, something on your mind? Talk to uncle Leo," he said.

"Umm yeah, okay," She responded, "Do you know Piper McLean?"

"Annabeth Chase's best friend of 2 years gone bad, pranks that Fred and George Weasley would be proud of, total badass? Yes I believe I do," he said.

"Somethings up with her, she hasn't pranked anyone all year, and she isn't sarcastic anymore, it isn't like her," Annabeth said.

"Sounds like someone misses their old bestie. Hmm?" Leo replied.

"Do not!" Annabeth said.

"Do so."

"Do not."

"Do so."

"Okay fine I care about her a little still, she was my best friend, I can't just forget about that," Annaneth said.

"Maybe she misses you too," Leo said.

Annabeth thought about that. Leo was much smarter than he looked. Well he is in Ravenclaw for a reason...

"Maybe you're right, I'm gonna talk to her sometime," Annabeth said.

"Now hold on missy, you can't just go up to her and ask her why she's suddenly so different uh-uh. Annie, can I call you Annie? I'm gonna call you Annie," he said.

"Don't call me Annie," she said.

"Too late. Annie you're gonna have to ease into this. You need to become friends again and regain her trust, I see how your kinda rude to her cause you're her frenemy at the moment. Be nice and little by little you're gonna be friends again, and then, ask her why she's acting strange," Leo said.

Annabeth needed this kid a long time ago to be her friendship counselor. Maybe she would already be friends if she knew this kid before.

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