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Annabeth was calmly studying in Ravenclaw tower when a mouse scurried under the door.

She didn't think much of the mouse until it knocked over Silena's pearl collection.

"Shoo! Get out of here!" She yelled at the mouse, but all of the sudden the mouse began to move the pearls into shapes. No, letters...





The mouse looked up at Annabeth hopelessly. Annabeth took out her wand and reversed the spell.

In front of her now picking up pearls was someone she never thought she'd see again:


"Oh my God," Annabeth exclaimed, "how?Where? What?"

"Who? When? Why? Okay now that we've gone of interrogative nouns can you help me find Jason?" Reyna said hastilly.

"You're still as funny as ever," Annabeth rolled her eyes at Reynas stupid joke, "first tell me how you got back."

"Too long of a story, but I can tell you later. Piper turned me into a mouse so I wouldn't get caught by Snape. Now where is Jason?" She said.

"Have you seen Piper yet? She's changed since you disappeared, a lot," Annabeth said.

"Yeah I know," Reyna snapped, "I need to see Jason first."

"Fine, he's in Gryffindor tower probably, its after hours where else would he be," Annabeth said.

"Oh right," Reyna smiled, "I've been gone for so long-" her vlice trailed off, "get down."

Annabeth did.

Reyna rolled under a couch, Annabeth rolled underneath the other one.

A low hiss slowly filled the room. Annabeth could tell it came from outside. She turned her head to look out the window.

"Reeeeeynnaaaaaa, come out my chillllld," the voice hissed.

What she saw was terrifying. A woman with bronze armor, serpent hair, and a giant spear was crouching on top of a gargoyle.

Medusa. Annabeth looked away immediatley.

"OH MY GOD!" Annabeth could hear Silena Beauregard screech. She must have just walked in the room.

"Reeeynaaa you sssshould come out, or elsse I will come IN!" Medusa hissed louder.

It's a good thing Silena was a Ravenclaw and knew to hide right away.

Annabeth then saw Silena do something strange. Silena ran back to her room and came out. She had put on reflective sunglasses.

She slowly crawled towards the window, Medusa didn't notice. Silena then jolted up and Medusa stared right at her.

The sunglasses made Medusa turn herself into stone.

Silena opened the window and pushed Medusa off the castle, falling and breaking on the Hogwarts grounds.

Annabeth rolled out from under the bed, Reyna did too.

"Reyna?" Silena asked, "but you-" she paused, changing her mind on what to say, "WHY WAS MEDUSA LOOKING FOR YOU?"

"Long story, my friend Cho Chang asked me to stay with her in Manhattan for a vacation, but it was really because she was something called a demigod, half human, half god. It took a bit of convincing but when I saw their camp... woah. She needed me to help a demigod named Harry Potter. I was someone he needed for a 'quest' apparantly. The propechy had to do with a child blessed by Hecate and Cho noticed when I did magic outside of school. Literally all of the demigods know that wizards are real they just call us sorcerers and sorceresses. Anyways I did quests with Harry and some others for a while, killed Medusa and a lot of other monsters and they've been following me as I tried to make it back here," Reyna explained.

"I want to say you're crazy but... that was Medusa," Annabeth said.

"I've gotta see Jason now, bye!" Reyna ran out of the Ravenclaw tower.

"I hope she knows that Jason's got his eye on Piper," Silena said on e Reyna left.

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