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After turning Reyna into a mouse she snuck back into the hospital sing and went to bed.

She dreamed of a boy with a lightning shaped scar on his forehead, a redhead, a girl with frizzy hair, and Reyna were all in some sort of office packaging... Medusa's head?

"They're not gonna like that," the frizzy haired girl said, "they'll think you're impertinent."

"I am impertinent," Reyna said.

The boy with the scar put some gold coins that looked almost like galleons into a little pouch. The redhead sealed the box and it disappeared.

And with that Piper woke up.

She sat up groggily and saw Jason and Percy sitting at the foot of her bed playing cards.

"Ratscrew!" Jason exclaimed.

"You slid you're hand you cheating bastard!"

"I did not," Jason said.

"Did too."

"Morning," Piper said while rubbing her eyes.

"Piper!" Percy exclaimed. He kicked Jason in the leg and Jason scrambled to get something from off the floor, "how you feeling queenie?"

"Queenie?" Piper asked.

"You kept saying it in your sleep so," Percy said, "Jason get up and give her the damn flowers."

Jason stood up trying to straighten out some slightly crushed tulips, "you're foot was squishing them," he mumbled.

"We picked these from Proffesor Sprouts garden for you," Jason said.

"He picked them from Proffesor Sprouts garden for you," Percy said.

"Shut up," Jason said, he looked a tad pink.

Jason got these for her? She knew she must be doing something right..

"Percy that's you're cue," Jason said to Percy in a whisper. Not a good whisper but still a whisper.

"OH," he exclaimed, "oh wow. Look at the time. I have to go do my homework for potions. I forgot to do it last night. I cannot believe I forgot. Goodbye Piper. Goodbye Jason. I will meet you guys for lunch in the Great Hall," he said. It was obviously rehearsed.

"What was that about?" Piper asked.

"Well, um, hi," Jason started stuttering, "dear god I should have practiced this more. Um, well, you're gonna think I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy. You know what? This was a bad idea, I'm just gonna go-"

"Wait," Piper said, "don't go, just, pretend you're saying what you want to say to Percy not me."

"Well that just makes it weirder..."

"Just talk to me then," Piper said.

Jason took a long deep breath before shouting this at the speed if lightning: "okaysoiusedtobereallyscaredofyoubutnowireallylikeyouandiwantedtoknowifyoumaybewannagotothehogsheadorhoneydukeswithmeonadatethenexttimewegotohogsmeade?"

Jason looked like he was about to throw up.

"Oh my god, yes yes of course I would!" Piper exclaimed.

"Oh thank god," Jason plopped down at the foot of her bed, "that is such a relief."

"What would you have done if I said no?" Piper asked.

"Oh, I don't know, pass out from embarassment?"

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