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A painting of Piper's mother was placed on top of the painting that led into the Slytherin common.

Its was berated with phrases like "Mudblood" and "Filthy Bitch" and many worse than that. Devils horns were drawn on her and her eyes were scratched out. Aphrodite McLean was one of the greatest witches of the modern age. Whoever did this to her portrait must've really hated Piper and her Mom.

And that could be almost anyone. A lot of people hated Piper.

"Come with me," someone said behind them.

Annabeth and Silena jumped and turned around.

No one was there.

"Oh, right. You can't see me. Here," the person revealed there arm and said lumos.

"Aaah, an invisibility cloak," Silena said.

"Yeah trying to keep my identity a secret," the person said.

They walked down the hall folowing the glowing wall hoping not to be seen after curfew.

They arrived in the hospital wing and saw a beaten and bandaged Piper laying on one of the beds.

"Oh my God, did Luke do this?"

"Yeah," Piper said, "What a douchebag, tell Thalia about him."

"Okay," Silena said, "but can we know who invisibility-cloak-person is?"

"Not yet," and with that they vanished for good.

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