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Annabeth was on her way to Potions with Hufflepuff.

She sits in between a large Asian boy with a chubby face named Frank and a petite African girl named Hazel. The two obviously had crushes on eachother.

And Annabeth was annoyed how they would always stare at eachother past her. She cpuld feel the stares, it was distracting.

Her life was already distracted by what was happening with Piper.

She snapped.

"Hazel, hi, it's me the girl you keep staring past to look at Frank, my name is Annabeth. Just talk to him already. He obviously likes you too," she said. She really wanted the staring ti stop.

"Really? How do you know?" Hazel asked.

"I feel his stares like I feel yours, trust me," Annabeth said.

"Okay, I'm gonna talk to him after class. And sorry for starin so much, it must be distracting," Hazel apologized.

"Oh it's fine," she lied, "I barely noticed."

After class she watched as Hazel talked to Frank.

And got... turned down?

Hazel ran over to Annabeth on the verge of tears.

"He wasn't just looking last you, he was looking past me too!" She cried, "He was staring at Silena Beauregard!"

Silena? She was Annabeths roomate, and she had a boyfriend. And Frank was always staring at Hazel, Annabeth was sure of it.

"Oh, I'm sorry Hazel, I was sure he was looking at you," Annabeth hugged Hazel, "I'm gonna talk to him."

"No, don't, of course he was looking at Silena, she's the prettiest girl in Ravenclaw, no offense your gorgeous too, but guys always go for girls like her even though girls like us are just as good," Hazel sniffled.

Annabeth realized she was right, finding out that Luke likes someone else really hurt her.

"I know exactly what you mean," Annabeth said.

Annabeth almost forgot about the Piper mystery that day because of Hazel, buy when she met with Percy and Jason at dinner...

A lot happened that night.

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