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As she was on her way back to her room with Thalia, Annabeth stopped her in the halls. She though that she wanted to speak with Thalia.

But she told Thalia to keep going to the dorm.

"You like Jason," Annabeth whispered excitedly once Thalia was out of hearing.

"What? No no," Piper felt herself turning red.

"Yeah, you do. You didn't get mad when he called you, well, you know..." Annabeth said.

"Look, you better not say anything to him or anyone else. A Slytherin liking a Gryffindor would cause complete madness. Our houses are enemies!" Piper whisperes shouted.

"Can I tell Percy?" Annabeth begged.

"Fine, but he better not tell," Piper said even though Percy would probably tell someone.

"Well, goodnight!" Annabeth exclaimed and ran to tell Percy.

Piper strolled leisurely back to her dorm. It felt nice to be friends with her again.

Once she got back to the slytherin common room she was greated to a punch to the jaw.

"You stupid bitch," he punched again, "you should've mever turned me down," he shoved her to the ground, "this is what you get for being an ungrateful pig," he kicked her in the side, "learn to respect your male superiors, you dirty little skank," he kicked her, punched her, bruised her.

She felt her left eye swell, she tasted blood drip into her mouth from her nose.

He jabbed his heel into her stomach repeatedly. Now blood was coming out of her mouth.

"Bitch," he stomped on her nose.

She heard her nose crack, before she blacked out she heard a voice she hadnt heard in a long time.

"Get away from her you bastard!"

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