Lets Go To The Beach-Each!!! 2.0

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*Joe's P.O.V."

I can't believe that actually happened. I was going to ask Y/N a special question but then stupid Zalfie, Darcy and Louise showed up. I love my sister and her boyfriend and Louise and Darcy but Y/N was right. I was being selfish.

I said that I would drop her stuff off at her house the next morning. She said to get everything and not for forget anything.

I got back to the hotel, swearing at myself under my breath. I went into the bathroom. Her makeup was out on the counter in a little bag. Her perfume was out, uncapped.

I opened her suitcase to put the items in. In the top flap of the suitcase was a photo that we took a month ago when we went to a YouTube convention. She had acted like a fan so no one would know we were together. It turned out to be one of the cutest photos of us.

I sighed. Putting her makeup and perfume into the suitcase and then zipped it up.

I set it neatly near the hotel door. Then I got into the newly made bed. It felt so different just because she wasn't there.

I thought of what it would have been like if she was here. Our voices softly whispering to each other. The soothing sound of her voice. Me, saying something funny and her laughing. That's also what I loved about her. She would always understand my humour. And her laugh was so soft yet contagious at the same time.

Somehow I managed to get to sleep without her.

I woke up and quietly turned over, expecting to see her laying there peacefully. But she wasn't. Then it all came flooding back.

I felt dirty. Not the kind of dirty that you would feel if you hadn't taken a shower for a week. It was the kind of dirty that was inside of you, slowly eating you up from the inside out.

I packed up my stuff including my laptop and vlogging camera and made a thorough check incase anything was left behind. I took our suitcases out to the front of the hotel.

I was supposed to edit a video last night but I was totally not in the mood. Instead I tweeted out
Hey guys, a #SuggSunday won't be out today. Not feeling 100%. It will be up soon! I'll keep you posted.

I usually don't look at my tweets to see if anyone replies because I just get a major spam. Today I was looking to see if Zoe, Alfie, Louise or maybe even Y/N would respond.

I went out front of the hotel and got an uber. I told the driver the location of
Y/N's house. When he dropped me off, I got out the two suitcases. It was 1 PM by now.

I took a deep breath and went to the door. I knocked twice then waited, knowing that Y/N didn't like it when people pestered at the door and continuously knocked.

The door opened and there she was. She was wearing dark red shorts paired with a green tank top, black open toed fancy sandals and a white loose long sweater that when worn almost touched the ground. This was the outfit she had bought with me when we were going to Coachella. It was just missing the big floppy sunhat, the sunglasses and the red lipstick.

"Hi." I said.
"Is that my bag?" She asked.
"Ya." I answered. Handing it to her.
"Oh. Thanks." She said taking it from me.
We stood there awkwardly.
"Can I-?" I started asking.
"Come in." She said.
I walked into the house. The entrance had a winding staircase leading upstairs. There was a large living room on the left and a corridor leading to the kitchen and family room area.

I stood there in the foyer for a minute.

"Well, come in." She said. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
"No thanks," I answered "I'm good."
"Okay." She said and then continued working at the table as if I wasn't there.
"Look, Y/N, I-" I started to say.
"No. Joe look, we get along great but if things continue like this, we won't. I get your humour and you get mine. You can be sweet and thoughtful and we meshed. That's about it. But you have your YouTube channel and your YouTube friends. I have my friends."
Is she trying to end things with me? And blaming YouTube for it?
"Hold on, I understand that you thought I was being selfish last night."
"I didn't think you were being selfish, I knew you were."
"Maybe I was sending mixed messages to you too."
"Mixed messages? Since when are guys so hard to read?" She asked.
"Okay look. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a huge jerk last night and yelling at you and calling you names. That is inexcusable-"
"Yeah it is. No guy should do that. Ever. We need to take a break. Just like I had said last night." She finished.
"Okay." I sighed. Disappointed.
She walked me to the door.
"Y/N," I said. She looked at me. The anger in her eyes had turned to hurt. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips. It stayed there as she returned it. We broke free gasping.
"Well." I said sadly.
"This isn't goodbye, it's just see you later." She said.
I nodded and left. Taking my suitcase with me.


All I Need Is You (A Series of Joe Sugg Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now