Birthday Time

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A/N: in honour of Joe turning 25, I decided to write this special little fanfiction/imagine. I know this is late, but better late than never.

This imagine contains smut.

"Happy Birthday Sugg!" You scream into his ear.
Joe opened his eyes and groaned. He then woke up and smiled. "Thank you babe!" He said, pulling you into a massive hug.
"How do you feel? Older?" You ask him.
"The same as always, well I mean, the same as yesterday."
"That's what they all say."

His arm wraps around you and pulls you closer.
"Why'd you wake me up?" He whispers into your ear.
"Because it's a human thing to do."
He rolls over and checks his phone. "It's 7 AM though."
"Tomorrow when someone asks you 'what did you do on your birthday?' You're not going to say 'I slept for 12 hours of it. That'd just be sad."
"And that's why I love you."
"Huh?" You ask him confused.
"You think of a scenario that has a 9/10 chance of happening and then tell me it in the most dramatic way possible."
"It's not a bad thing. I make your life more interesting." You protest. "As if YouTube wasn't enough."

Joe looks at you and is smiling. You look into his eyes and smile back.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." You say back.
He wraps his arms around your waist tighter and pulls you in closer, your lips softly touching. You kiss repeatedly, the pressure intensifying.
His hands find their way up your shirt and remove it entirely. You do the same to him.
Now it was Joe in his underwear and you in your matching bra and underwear.
Joe made his way down your body, kissing each and every little spot. When he got to your bra, he looked up at you for permission. When you nodded he unclasped it and threw it onto the floor. He started massaging your breast, kissing the other one.
Then it was your turn. Kissing him intensely on the lips, making your way down. You kissed him where his neck met his collar bone and he arched his back, moaning with pleasure. You continued your way down, to his underwear line. You look up, he moans, allowing you to remove his boxers. He raises his hips and you pull them off and throw them onto the floor.
Then you went and fingered his dick. It was getting hard. Joe kept moaning with pleasure. You positioned yourself and started pumping.
"More! MORE!" Joe screamed. That was when he hit is climax.
When he'd calmed down and you were beside him, he looked over at you "my turn."
He continued kissing down your stomach, pulling off your underwear and then fingering your clit.
You moaned loudly. He continued, faster and faster.
"More! Joe more!" You begged.
"Call me daddy!" He told you.
"DADDY!" You scream.
He positioned himself and connected his mouth.

After both of you had hit your climaxes you went back to making out. You pull away to look at him then move your head to rest on his bare chest listening to his heartbeat.

"That's the best way I've ever started my birthday." Joe says looking down at you and giving you a cheeky smile.
You chuckle. "Should we go now?"

You both get out of bed and go into the kitchen after getting dressed.
You pull out the carton of eggs from the fridge. "How many?"
"Uh, two. Over easy please." Joe says giving you his award winning smile
"Any birthday wishes?" You ask him from across the counter.
"A few."
"As in millions?"
"Possibly." Joe would always be modest in these types of situations.
"You know that people all over the world probably are sending you happy birthday messages right?"
"Oh, here's one from Caspar, one from Oli, one from Jack."
"And probably one from Zoe and Alfie and Will and Conor."

Then Joe pulls out his vlogging camera. "Gooooood m- wait what?" He starts. You laugh.
"So now you're Alfie Deyes? Does this mean you're a daily vlogger too?" Joe gives you a glare.
"Hello everyone. It's 7:47 right now. I'm never up this early and I would still be in bed if it weren't for this one." He says pointing the camera at you.
"Hello!" You say happily.
"So today nothing special is happening so I'm not sure why I'm vlogging so I-"
You exhale deeply, clearly annoyed.
"What?" Joe asks defensively.
"You keep saying so. It's like the Kardashians when they say 'like' all the time. 'Like totally I know like can you believe she like went on a rampage like who does that like' " You say impersonating the Kardashian's.
Joe's laughing by now.
"Anyways, you may as well go and watch one of Caspar's videos now because nothing interesting is going to happen today." Joe says sarcastically. Then the turns off the camera.

All I Need Is You (A Series of Joe Sugg Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now