This Is Gospel

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This is a continuation from the last part: Not about Angels.
Again, the song is added above if you want to listen to it while reading. Also, if you haven't seen the video already, I suggest you do; it's one of my favourite music videos that I've ever seen. There is a piano version too that I kind of wanted to put in because its softer but the above version has more a a feeling to it and works somewhat better with this .... but I forget which version I wanted to put in..... but listen to that version too because it's really good too (down below)

You woke up. It was 4 PM.
You trudged upstairs and called out "Joe?"
As soon as the words left your mouth, you remembered.
You wanted to cry, but you couldn't anymore.

There was another knock on the door.
"Hello. You're Y/N?"
"I'm Gary. Joe'a uncle. I was recommended to come and pick you up. I'm on my way to Zoe and Alfie's place."
"Oh, it's nice to meet you. Um, sure, if you don't mind, I'm going to go and grab my bag." You say "come in, if you want."
He did, and closed the door behind him.
"Would you like anything?" You offered.
"No, no. You get packed."

You ran downstairs and grabbed your bag.
You shoved in a couple pairs of pants, some tank tops and then grabbed some of Joe's clothes too, incase Zoe or someone wanted it. You snatched up your laptop and phone too.
"Alright." You said coming back to the kitchen. Gary was sitting at the bar, on his phone.
"Okay. Let's get going."
You both made small talk on the way to Zoe and Alfie's.

You walked into their house and Zoe embraced you in a hug. "Y/N," she said "I'm so sorry."
"Me too." You said to her.
"Hey Y/N" Alfie said, giving you a small hug.
"Hey Alfie."

You went into their family room, sat on the couch, the others did as well. Opening up your laptop, you looked at your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; it was filled with messages about Joe.

Later, Gary came in and said "it's better to talk about it now than later." Tracey, Graham and Joe's other relatives were there too.
It was a conversation you didn't want to have to be involved in; but you had to be, since you lived with Joe and had been for a while now.

The decision was made that some of Joe's clothes could stay, unless people wanted them, his laptop could stay, his gaming stuff and office could go to Alfie unless someone else wanted it. You thought Oli might have wanted it. The flat was a different story. You knew you couldn't pay the rent on your own. You had to move out in the next few months.

You stayed at Zoe and Alfie's for the next few days and took the tube back to the flat.
You sat on your phone and scrolled through Instagram. You then went into Joe's Instagram. What would happen to it? And to his YouTube? That was all something to figure out for later. It was dreary when you opened the door to the apartment.

You'd been home for a couple of hours, watching TV when your phone rang. "Y/N?" A voice said from the other side of the phone. Maybe you were hallucinating but it sounded too much like Joe. "Y/N? It's Oli." Okay. Ya it wasn't Joe.... not even close.
"Oh. Hey Oli."
"How are you doing?"
"I'm good, well as good as I can be."
"That's fair. But really," Oli said "how are you?"
You sighed "it's been hard Oli."
"Yeah. I get that."
"All of his stuff is here. I don't know what to do. It's constant reminders."
"I have to move out of here soon."
"Oh. Do you know where you're going to go?"
"Not a clue in the world." You said.
"Well, if you don't have a place in the next two months, you can come live with me. I mean it."
"Thanks Oli." You say gratefully "Oli, I can't believe he's gone."
"I know, Y/N, I know."
Then there was silence.
"Y/N. If you love him, let him go. He would want the best for you." Oli said.

You could just hear Joe saying it.
If you love me, let me go.
"Thanks Oli."
"Any time. Call if you need anything."Oli replied and you both hung up.

You turned off the TV and took out your laptop. You logged into YouTube and typed in: Joe Sugg.

There were millions of videos about Joe Sugg, rumours of how he died, fan edits of his life.

You didn't want to see any of these though. You went into his channel and watched his first video.

You smiled. On the screen was young, inexperienced Joe, asking Zoe for help with his videos. Out of his current 517 videos uploaded; one per week, as per usual (almost); none of them had anything sad or angry in them. Joe wanted to entertain people with his videos, every single one of them.
There was his videos with Zoe, Caspar, Alfie, Marcus and the rest of the buttercream squad; his YouTuber whispers, his announcements of the Username Trilogy, the prank videos, videos with you in them, and the last one. It was almost as if it was a goodbye video; you and him reacted to his videos, it was full of laughter. The very end faded out with his classic "WHOOHOOO". But after that, only you knew now that Joe had leaned in and given you a long kiss.

You closed your laptop and smiled.

It was okay. There's no going back now. Mourning and grieving about Joe was normal reaction but constantly thinking about it wasn't going to do anything but make you hurt more. You inhaled and exhaled almost a sigh of relief.

If you love me, let me go.

All I Need Is You (A Series of Joe Sugg Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now