Ever Since High School

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Start writing your story

A/N: Hey guys, I thought I'd continue writing this story (as most of you may know that I took a break) Here goes nothing:


"Y/N, who hurt you so bad that you can't trust?" Joe mocked as you rolled your eyes at him.

"Joe, I-" You start. Then he cuts you off.

"Seriously though. You've acted like this since high school when we met."

"Like what?"

"Oh, you know. Has a smile on your face but underneath there's a lot of hurt and feeling that you don't want to talk about." Joe says, smiling sadly at you.

~Throwback to high school~

"Hey!" a voice calls from behind you. You know exactly who it is. Joe's female "friend". You laugh, knowing Joe had told his "friend" what had happened between you two. That pathetic loser.

"Y/N!!!!!!" Joe yells down the hall. Then you hear the two of them laughing behind you. He's definitely told her what went on between the two of you. You just keep walking, turning up your music and keeping your head high.

You had known Joe since the beginning of high school. Your relationship had consisted mostly of texting. That screwed it up.

Last summer you and him had late night texted for a week straight; playing 20 Q's (basically another way to ask each other questions and fill the awkward space.) Then he decided to ask: "What's your ideal first date?" You knew Joe was a naturally flirtatious person so you didn't know whether to fall for him or not; maybe it was too late. Then he asked "What do you look for in a guy?" I decided to see whether or not he was really being "romantic and flirty" or just being the douche like you knew he was.

Asking him questions every night until finally you just asked him "Do you see anything happening between us?"

He responded with "Is being friends okay?" Okay? Friends? "Yeah." You replied when really you meant "HELL NO! YOU DON'T TALK TO A GIRL LIKE THAT AND THEN SAY "FRIENDS" HELL NO."

You didn't talk for another 3 weeks. Then you texted him "Hey." He responds a week later. A lot had happened in that week.

You had gotten over him.

That week later when he responded, this is what the convo looked like:

Joe: "Hey"

You: "Hey. Are we okay?"

Joe: "I don't know. Are we? You're the one who was mad because I wasn't into you."

THAT WAS IT. You were not mad at him because of that. It's the fact that he led you on and then blamed YOU.

You didn't respond.

Every time you tried to get over him he hopped right back into your life.

A month later this event happened: the yelling down the hall.

Later that night, you get a text from Joe.

Hey I tried to talk to you earlier today but you didn't seem to notice me. That could not have been any more obvious.

You roll your eyes and didn't text back.

~back to present~

"IT WAS YOU!" You yelled at him.

"Me?" He asks, astonished that you were blaming him.

"YES! You even act like it now, instigate the entire conversation and then act innocent."

That was it. Although a bunch of curse words and other stuff was running through your head, you kept it "quiet".

"Y/N, I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt this way." Joe says to you.

You nod in acceptance. He leans over and hugs you, kissing the top of your forehead.

Joe had changed since you knew him in high school. Your relationship had consisted of small talk and mostly texting; which had been the reason for your biggest fight of all time.

You know that Joe has changed since then; something you didn't predict at all in high school.


Lol thanks for reading. Comment anything you would want to read!

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All I Need Is You (A Series of Joe Sugg Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now