Would You Date A Fan?

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Y/N = your name
Y/F/N = your friends name

"I can't believe we're about to meet Joe Sugg!" You say grinning ear to ear.
"Ya. He's crazy hot! I would die to be his girlfriend." Your friend shrieks.
"Next." The 'bouncer' says as he ushers you in.
"Hey girls." An all to familiar voice says.  It was really him. Joseph Graham Sugg.
"Hi." You say confidently.
"What's your name?" Joe asks. His eyes were really blue just like people have said.
"I'm Y/N"
"And how about you?" He asks looking at your friend.
"Oh. I'm just here with her." Your friend says.
"That's Y/F/N."
"Oh." Joe says, eyeing your friend. "Here you go." He says handing you a signed copy of Username Evie. He handed a copy to your friend as well.
"Thank you." You say and walk out of the room.
You open your copy of Username Evie and your friend does too. The only difference was that under his signature there was a sticky note.


Email joesugg@bit.ly.com with your name. I'll give you my number. We should talk some more.


"Whoa nice man!" You say, psyched.
"Eh." She shrugs
"Okay, what up?" You ask your friend.
"What do you mean?"
"You weren't being yourself around Joe and now he's got you hooked. Literally."
"Uh, no."
"You were the one completely fangirling over him before we went in there."
"Just wait until he finds out what a fake you are." You say, walking away.
"Ya, it'll make you seem jealous more than trying to 'reveal' me." She said using air quotes.

Joe's P.O.V.
I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. She seemed so down to earth. Then there was Y/F/N, she didn't seem like the usual fan.

My phone rang.
"Hey Joe, someone just emailed you with the name Y/F/N. You said if she emailed to let you know."
"Alright. Thanks mate." And then I hung up.

This is Joe.
You came with your friend to my book signing the other day.
I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime?

No worries if this isn't an interest to you.


Your P.O.V.
"Guess who has a boyfriend!" Your friend shrieks running up to you.
"You know you can't continue to lie to him." You say angrily.
"I will lie when I want to."
"Okay. Good luck."
Y/F/N walks into the bathroom, leaving her phone behind. Then a text from
Joe pops up.

Hey. Wanna come to my place this weekend?

I thought you said you were busy.

Change of plans.


Oh and I got a new number. I'll text you on it.


See you Saturday. You text.

You went and blocked his number and deleted that part of the conversation.

Yes it was low but it's what needed to be done.

You insert his number into your contacts. Then your friend walks out of the bathroom.

"Ooh a text from him." She says excitedly. She begins to text back. You knew whatever she would send, he wouldn't respond.

*that weekend*
The doorbell rang. You were dressed in leggings and a blue "almost" crop top. The usual.

You answer the door and there he is.
"Oh. Hey Joe." You say. "Come in."
"Thanks. Y/N? Right?"
"Is Y/F/N here?"
"No. Sorry."
"Oh that's okay. I can come back later then."
"What? You don't wanna be in a house alone with a fan?" You joke.
"Well, I-" Joe stuttered.
"Because you've spent more time with another fan than with me."
"Y/F/N? She said she didn't know anything about my YouTube except for that you've told her."
"Well, I'm not going to say she's lying, but she's lying."
"This is going to sound really low that I'm telling you this, but she was a fan before I was. She was all over you."
"So she was lying?"

Just then Y/F/N walked in the door. You and Joe both stood up and looked at her.
"Here she is. You two have fun." You say and go into the kitchen.

"Y/F/N!" You hear Joe exclaim "I thought you said you were busy this weekend."
"Ya. Change of plans. I thought you were busy. After you didn't respond to any of my texts." Y/F/N responded.
"I did. You didn't respond."
"You know what. If you want to lie to me, go ahead. We're done." Y/F/N yelled.
"What? Where'd this come from?" Joe yelled back.

I guess Y/F/N knew why he was here. She knew that he knew that she was lying. You think.
Just then the front door slammed.

"Y/F/N, I'm sorry." You say sympathetically, walking back into the living room.
"It's okay. He's better on the computer screen than in front of my face." Y/F/N responded.

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