Game On

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"Okay we need to film and edit a bunch of videos today." Zoe said being assertive.

It's a Wednesday morning, 6 videos needed to be filmed.

Zoe, Alfie and Joe had wanted to film main channel videos and needed to edit their vlogs. Since you weren't a YouTuber you didn't need to film but you could be in videos since people knew who you were; Alfie's cousin, dating JoeThatcher, ThatcherSugg, you know the guy; Joe Sugg.

"Are you ready kids?" Joe said excitedly, popping into the room.
"Aye aye captain." You and Zoe say.
"I can't hear you!" Joe continues.
"AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" You, Zoe and Alfie all yell.

"Let's film Joe's video first since his video is for a scheduled date, if you know what I mean." Zoe said.
"What video should we film?" Joe asked.
"Well we could do whatever in our videos too." Alfie said.

We made a list of videos we could make.

Innuendo Bingo
Who's Most Likely To
Never Have I Ever
Cards Against Humanity
Game of Things

"Let's do Game of Things!" Joe said.

No copyright is intended when including this game into the story.

Joe started his video. "Hello everybody! It's Joe here joined with Zoe,"
"Hello!" Zoe says cheerfully, waving to the camera.
"What's up guys!" Alfie says
"And Y/N,"
"Hello! Sorry I don't have a YouTube channel or an intro to go with it." You say.
"And today we're going to be playing The Game of Things." Joe continues, talking to the camera.
"Now you ask me, 'Joe, what's that?'" He says, obviously going to edit it out later.
Zoe sighs "Well what's that Joe?"
"I'm glad you asked Zoe," Joe says, while Zoe rolled her eyes. "it's basically a game where someone's give - bla de la de bla. Hold on. It's a game where you read- it's a game where someone reads a topic off of a card, you write down answers- someone writes an answer to the THING card, and then the others guess who wrote what answer. There's no wrong answer." Joe says, sighing in relief after finishing.
"I would explain it but it's easier to show you."
"No Joe. Explain it." You say.
"I'm too lazy."
"Fine then I'll do it." Zoe says. "Joe got too lazy to say the rules. If I mess up, I don't care. Once someone reads the THING and people write down their answer, the person to the readers left guesses."
But the reader doesn't write an answer." Alfie chimed in.
"When guessing, if your guess isn't right, you move onto the next person to your left." You say.
"Ya then everyone continues guessing until every answer is guessed." Zoe says. "If the person who wrote the answer is guessed correctly, then that person doesn't get a chance to guess for the rest of the round. You want to be the last person who is guessed each round."
"There's different ways to keep points. We're playing it that if you get one point if you guess the answer correctly. The last person to be guessed and the person guessing the last answer get 2 points." Alfie says.
"It can be a lot more fun with more people playing." You say. "But, Marcus was busy, so was Caspar. Oli is sitting behind the camera and is going to read the THING."
"Oh yeah. Hi Oli!" Joe says.

"Okay. Round 1." Oli says. "Things you shouldn't say to your grandmother."

Zoe, Alfie, Joe and you write an answer and put them in a bowl in front of you.
"And we have:
Wanna come see me pole dance?
Where's the weed?
I hate the sweater you knit me.
What was life like in the olden days?"
Everyone was laughing so hard.

You were sitting in line by
Joe, You, Zoe, Alfie.

"Okay Joe. You're turn." Oli said
"Can you repeat them? Sorry mate." Joe says laughing the hardest out of all of us.
"Wanna come see me pole dance?
Where's the weed?
I hate the sweater you knit me.
What was life like in the olden days?"
"I'm gonna guess, Zoe, I hate the sweater you knit me?"
"Nope, sorry kid."
"Okay." You say. "Zoe, What was life like in the olden days?"
Zoe sighed "Yes."
"Uh, Alfie, Wanna come see me pole dance?"
Everyone started laughing, just the way you said it.
"Uh, no, both ways." Alfie said.
"So now, Zoe can't guess because I've guessed her answer, sorry Zoe." You say.
"And Y/N gets a point." Oli says.
"Joe, Wanna come see me pole dance?"
A cheeky look grew on Joe's face. "Yeah."
"That means, Y/N, I hate the sweater you knit me."
"So, Alfie gets 1 point for Joe, 2 points for Y/N and 2 points for being the last one." Oli announces.

You end up playing the game for a long time, it's an addictive game.
"Okay," Joe said trying to close the video "I hope you've enjoyed the video a-"
"WE!" Zoe yells.
"We?" Joe asks, confused.
"We hope you've enjoyed the video." Zoe clarifies.
"Okay, WE hope you've enjoyed the video."
"Give it a like" you say
"Comment!" Zoe says
"And subscribe!" Alfie says.
"Yes! Like. Comment. Subscribe! Subscribe to Zoe and Alfie too! And leave comments wanting Y/N to get a YouTube Channel!" Joe says. He turns to you "you're welcome."

There. 1/6 videos complete.

"Okay. Who's next?" Zoe asks.
"You." Alfie says.

You end up doing Who's Most Likely To for Zoe's video and Cards Against Humanity for Alfies.


All I Need Is You (A Series of Joe Sugg Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now