Skinny Love

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I thought I would do another imagine/fanfic to a song. Hope you enjoy, and if you like these, let me know and I'll make more. It's to Skinny Love by Birdy, I know it's done by Bon Iver too but personally I like this version better. Listen to the song while reading this if you wish.
Note: there is minor talk about self harm, if that's not what you are wanting to read, skip this chapter.

It's 2 AM on a regular non-party night. Joe had already climbed into bed as you are getting ready. You sit in front of the mirror and wipe away the makeup from the day.
"You know, Y/N, you don't need the make up. I think you're beautiful no matter what." Joe says. You smile on the outside but on the inside its a different story. You wear makeup because it makes you feel confident, not because you felt insecure. You only started feeling insecure when people questioned your choices.

You stand up, change into your pyjama bottoms on, take off your top from the day, throw on your pyjama top, aware that Joe is staring at you. You then reach around and undo your bra, pulling it off through the cleavage (front part) of the shirt and throw it into the corner of the room. You look at yourself in the mirror. How does he enjoy this? You think to yourself.

You see Joe's eyes widen, but you aren't sure you want them to.

"If only taking off a bra was that easy." Joe remarked.
He said he may have had "1 or 2" drinks which was realistically more like 3 or 4. "Babe. You okay?".
The truth was, you weren't.
"Ya." You lie.
"Y/N. If something's wrong, I want you to tell me." Joe said, sitting up in bed.
"I'm sure." You say, climbing in bed beside him.

You laid down, as did Joe. He pulled you closer towards him but you turned and faced away from him.
"Y/N," Joe whispers in your ear. "You don't seem like that girl I first met last year."
"How?" You ask, making small talk.
"You used to be a smiling, playful girl."
"Well, people grow up."
"I'm here. We can just sleep." Joe said.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I said I'm fine." You say, a little more sharp than intended.
"You don't seem fine." Joe reasoned.
"Now you don't believe me?" You ask.
"I want to believe you, but I can't."
"I thought it was parallel. You jump, I jump or something like that." You say, using a titanic reference.
"There's nothing about jumping here." Joe argued.
"It's a metaphor Joe."
"Yeah. I get it. But if you're not telling me the truth then why should I?"
"And what if I admitted I'm not? There, I just did. I'm not telling you the truth." You yell at him.
"What the hell?" Joe snapped.
"What?" You say angrily.
"You aren't okay. I need to be the boyfriend you can count on and tell things, not one that you lie to."
"I said I was fine. I don't need to tell you every single detail of my life." You argue back.
"Why not?"
"Because. I'm living my life, not yours."
"I'm supposed to be the one who's here for you no matter what, someone who you can talk to and not be afraid of what they're going to say!" Joe yells.
"Well you sure aren't helping yourself right now!" You snap.
Then Joe gets off the bed "Where are you going?" You ask
"To get a drink. And some fresh air." Joe said, leaving the room.

You lay there, breathing heavily.
You were ready to leave. You grabbed a duffel bag, threw all of your clothes in it and your belongings. You left a sweatshirt on top of the bag.
You couldn't stand when Joe yelled at you like this, especially when he wasn't thinking about you, just himself. Out of anger you grab the razor from the cupboard and are about to slice across your wrist when you see something easier. There was a piece of broken glass sitting on the counter.
He was back after a good 20 minutes.

*Joe comes back in to the room.*
You're lying in the bed, facing the opposite way of him. He climbs into bed, you can feel him above you. He grabs your wrist to get your attention and notices two thin lines on your wrist. He puts it back where you had it wresting and lays down.

"If you're so unhappy, why don't you just leave?" Joe asks angrily.
"I can't. I'll still have the remains from what you caused." You say.
"What I caused?" Joe argues.
"I don't want to talk to you if you're just going to argue."

Time passed and Joe was asleep.
You left a note on the bed beside him.
You quietly got out of bed, threw on the sweatshirt and grabbed your bag.

"I don't know if I love you anymore." You whispered in his ear and left.

Hey, so I'm in the middle of reading girl online, on tour and it's the middle part that gives me the feels! If you've read it, you know what I'm talking about.

If you're listening to the song while reading, it doesn't perfectly line up, as this short story is a little smaller than usual. Just read slowly and picture what's happening whilst you read it.

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