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Y/N P.O.V.

Wanna play Sims? Joe texted.
Where r u? You reply

You roll your eyes and sigh walking to Joe's YouTube office "You called?"
"Actually I texted." Joe said spinning in circles on his rolling chair.
"I was just in the other room. You're a lazy ass." You chide under your breath.
"Hey! It's better than being a smart ass."

"What do you want Sugg?"
"Wanna play sims? I gotta film a new video for my gaming channel."
"It'll have be a series then. It's the sims."
"Yeah. There's no harm in that."
"Except that you film at fricken 2 o'clock in the morning." You complain.
"Well, yes or no?" Joe asked, starting to get impatient.
"Yes. Sure why not."
"Turn on the camera and I'll grab a chair and something to eat." Joe said, going to grab you the chair from his room.
"Bring me food too." You yell as he leaves the room. You walk over to his desk and turn on his camera.
"Hellooooooo!" You say, your face real close to the lens. "Oh yikes!" You laugh seeing how close you actually were.

You press play on your music and start dancing around, eventually forgetting the camera was on. You dance your way over to Joe's microphone. It was gigantic! Turning switches, you manage to turn it on with less difficulty than last time. Joe's Sims game had loaded. Joe didn't seem to need anything else set up. Bohemian Rhapsody had come on and you lost all of your cool; jumping around and screaming the song at the top of your lungs.

"Y/N?" Joe's standing in the doorway holding a bowl of Lays chips and two milkshakes. Who knows how long he'd been standing there. "You alright?"
"Alrighty then." He walks in, eyeing you from the side, looking at you as if you were from Jupiter.

He sets down the food and checks the camera and the microphone.
"You don't trust my set up skills?" You ask him.
"No. Not after that last video when we weren't in focus."
"Alright. All set." Joe announced. You both sat down.
"Hello! Welcome to another gaming video! Today we're playing sims! I'm joined with my girlfriend Y/N."
"Hey guys!" You smile.
"This takes for fricken ever to load!" Joe said, the loading screen appearing.
You start clicking on the screen when a little flashy spark shows up where your mouse is. There were words at the bottom of the screen. Find the kissing couple You did.
"What are you doing?"
"Playing iSpy."
"I have an idea!" Joe says excitedly "I'll make you and you make me."
"I don't know if I trust you enough to make me in the sims." You say warily.
"You'll get to make me." Joe reasons.
"You first."

"See!" Joe says "that actually looks like you!"
Joe had made you as an old grandma with bright green hair, face paint, bright blue skin and wearing a bikini.
"Gee. Thanks." You say sarcastically to him "Your turn!"
You made Joe an overweight un-muscular elder with purple skin, wearing just underwear. He had the biggest lips and the smallest eyes. You gave him absolutely no jawline.
"Y/N! That looks like the total opposite of me!"
"Not when you're in bed!" You joked.
"Y/N! Inappropriate!"

"Shall we end it here?" You ask.
"Sure. Alrighty! That's it for this weeks episode! Tune into next weeks episode where we....." Joe turned to you "what are we doing again?"
"Either making houses or actually trying to make each other." You say.
"What she said! Cheers bye!" Joe says and turns the camera off.

A/N: this is just a little imagine. Hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!

All I Need Is You (A Series of Joe Sugg Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now