Discovered Part 2

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"Woohoooo!!!!!" Joe screamed.
You sit up in bed, the curtains were open. Joe was vlogging, not a surprise.
"Today's the day!" He exclaimed. "I can't wait to see those who are coming to the show! Each shows gonna be different but it's a guaranteed that you'll all enjoy it! But first, I've gotta get ready." Joe said and then slapped his palm into the camera lens and turned off his camera. "Ow!" He exclaimed.
"Really?" You moan. "What time is it?"
"Nine. We've gotta be at the airport with Caspar by Eleven."
"I'm packed. It's all good. Actually, I'm not." You say, getting out of bed, then realizing you're only wearing lingerie.
Joe's eyes went big.
"Oh come on Sugg. I'm not your first girlfriend, and definitely not the first girlfriend you've seen naked."
"Ya..." He sighed.
You pulled out a long sweater and put it on.
"Do you care what I wear today?"
"No, you're helping out with the signing though, right?"
"Then, wear this" he said walking over to his suitcase and pulled something out and playfully threw it at you.
"Awe. Cute." You reply.
"Read the back." Joe ordered
You turned the sweatshirt over. On the arm it said Joe and Caspar Hit The Road USA and underneath it Him.
"What?" He then pulled out his own sweatshirt and showed you the arm of his. It said the same Joe and Caspar Hit The Road USA and underneath Her.
"Won't they be noticed?" You wonder out loud.
"I'm okay with us if you are." He says, pulling on the sweatshirt.
"Mmhmmm." You say, pulling on the sweatshirt like he did.

"Ready?" Joe asked.
"Yup." You smile.
"Hey guys!" Said a voice. You turn around and see Caspar, his arms open. You run and give him a hug. "Hey Y/N." Caspar said returning your hug.
Joe came over and gave him a bro hug.
"OOOH Hit The Road Sweaters!" Caspar said.
You and Joe turn and show the arm of the sweater.
"Awe! You guys! So cute!" Caspar laughed.
He pulled out his phone and took a photo.
"Instagram?" He asked.
"Uh.... Not yet." You say.
Caspar sighed. "You two need to figure things out."
"We're taking it slow." Joe said
"Where? As far as I know, you two can never leave each other for 5 minutes."
"Well, I'll have to," you say "when you're doing your shows."
"Meet and greets?" Caspar asked
"She's helping out." Joe said
"Won't people notice?"
"Oh well." You sigh.
"Well, I'll send you the photo and you post it when you want. Just tag me when you do." Caspar said. "Uh oh."
"What uh oh?" You ask
"I may or may not have posted the photo."
"Well, let's just leave it." You say but deeply inside you were panicking.
"Y/N. You okay?"
"Uh, ya. Just give me a minute." You say, going to the washroom.
"She doesn't want anyone saying bad things about her." Joe said, starting to follow you.
"I'm sorry. Do you want me to delete it?" Caspar offered.
"No. That wouldn't be right. Just give me a minute." Joe said and ran after you.

"You know what, maybe this is a good thing." Joe said, his arm around you. You were both sitting on a bench.
"We want to announce we are dating but don't know how to. This is kind of a perfect solution."
"So then Caspar's a god?" You ask, looking a him, one eyebrow raised.
"I wouldn't go that far, but yes. It will
all work itself out." Just then the intercom announced "Flight 224 is leaving in 5 minutes. Please head to Gate B." Joe stood up and held out his hand.
"You ready to go?"
"Yup." You sighed and stood up. Grabbing his hand. He pulled you in for a kiss.
"In the movies this is when all of the paparazzi come out of nowhere and start taking millions of photos isn't it?" You say into his chest.
"Ya. But this time we only have Caspar."

All I Need Is You (A Series of Joe Sugg Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now