If You (N)ever Prank A Sugg

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This imagine is written as a video, kind of like if you were watching one of Joe's edited videos. I just thought I would try it, see what happens. Enjoy :) If you like it, let me know and I'll try to write more like this.


"I've been living with Joe for a while now, and I thought I would prank him, after all he is known for his pranks... or maybe it's his impressions" you say in the intro for the video.
"Can't it be both?" Joe says from the corner.
"Shhhh!" You look at Joe "in filming here. Gosh." You roll your eyes towards the camera.
(Cut to next clip)
"Hey Guys! It's Y/N here! So today I thought I'd prank a certain Sugglet since he pranks so many people and thinks he's SOOOOO funny." You say sarcastically.
"No, no!" Joe said pushing you over and sitting beside you on the bed. "I prank Caspar the most."
"Ya. You cause Caspar so much pain with all of the pranks."
(Cut to next clip, Joe isn't there)
"I decided it was only fair to get revenge on Joe with a little help from these people." You say. With editing, faces of Zoe, Alfie, Oli, Caspar, Jim, Marcus, Jack, Josh, Mikey and the Daddy sugg emoji popped up on the screen.
"To start, there was a group chat for the ultimate prank."

"After a while, we decided that the best thing to do was a multi-layer prank

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"After a while, we decided that the best thing to do was a multi-layer prank. There were 7 pranks in total because some people are too lazy" you say, a photo of Marcus sliding into the screen.
"And no, we weren't stupid and put each prank one day after the other. Here goes nothing! Enjoy!"

(Prank 1 appears on the screen)
"Hey I'm Caspar Lee and its November 25th today. To start off, Y/N thought it would be best if I started the pranks. If you haven't seen the prank war, go to my YouTube channel and subscribe, I think Y/N will put the links in the bio. If not, search Caspar Lee, spelt C-A-S-P-A-R L-E-E prank war. You'll find it."

(Cut to next clip)
"Joe's favourite type of prank to do on me are ones where he messes up my room or apartment in some way. And if it isn't that, it's because he just likes to mess with me."

(Cut to next clip) *voice over* Caspar is at the office

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(Cut to next clip)
*voice over* Caspar is at the office.
"I thought it would be fun to mess up Joe's office and his apartment, just because it's Joe.
"Joe is barely at the office since he's hanging out with Y/N or at Zalfie's or wherever else he may be.
"I decided to print off many multicoloured images of Joe's Favourite photo of himself. Actually, I don't know what that is, so I'm using this one.

All I Need Is You (A Series of Joe Sugg Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now