Meeting The Mate

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~ Chapter 3 ~

Chloe's POV

I looked around clueless, the perfect picture of a lost person. Where the hell is the reception? I'm sure I've passed the cafeteria five times already, actually make that six I thought as I walked past it again. I look down the hallway and saw Coby, hopefully he could help me out. I sighed in relief as he walked up to me, turning my head I pretended I hadn't seen him knowing he would end up laughing at me for getting lost.

"Chloe?" Coby called.

I looked up at him in mock surprise, "Oh hi, I didn't see you there big guy." He chuckled. I call him big guy because he's like 6"3 while I'm only 5"4. Yes I know I'm small.

"Do you know where you're going?" I look around and put on a casual expression as I look back up at him.

"Yeah, Just having a look around you know? Taking in the new surroundings, smelling the fresh air- well it's not exactly fresh with you know the pollution and carbon dioxide but it's kinda fresh I think it's fresh do you think it's fresh?" I asked and took a long breath once I'd finished. Crap I rambled, I always ramble when I'm stuck, nervous or worried. I bit the inside of my cheek and looked up he was fighting a smile. I looked down then back up, I can't believe I'm going to say this.

"Well do you think it's fresh?" I asked and smiled sheepishly. That's what it took, the next thing you know he burst out laughing. Everyone in the corridors looked at him and me. I shrugged my shoulders and mouthed 'he's crazy, don't worry' some nodded and walked of while most started laughing. I punched him in the shoulder. He looked up and cradled his side in his hands while gasping for breath. I rolled my eyes, it weren't that funny. He chuckled a few more times and wiped away a few tears.

"That w-was gold." He said between chuckles. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. He cleared his throat and looked back at me with a grin.

"Yeah I think it's f-fresh." He said and chuckled again. I couldn't help it I started laughing. After a few seconds he joined in to, two minutes later we were leaning against the wall trying to catch our breath.

I let out a chuckle and looked at him, "So you think it's fresh huh?" He nodded. I was about to say something else when he clamped a hand over my mouth. I looked at him with my eyes wide.

"Don't say anything else about the air. I can't even breathe here." I nodded. He squinted his eyes and let go watching me.

"Doesn't matter brother I think it's fresh too!" I shouted in a sing a song voice, when his hand was a good distance. Before running away from him, I heard him mutter something along the lines of 'Stupid air' making me laugh, smiling I carried on my mission. Ten minutes later I finally found it... the reception. I looked at it and gave the door a hug. I was about to let go but the door was opened from the other side making me fall inside.

"Ow!" I cried. I looked up and saw a lady looking down at me with concern. I smiled sheepishly at her.

"Do you mind telling me what you were doing on the other side of the door young lady?" She asked.

I tried to fight the grin, clearing my throat I looked around. "I was hugging the door." I said casually. She looked at me like I was crazy. Hmm, well I do admit that does sound kind of crazy you know, hugging the door and all.

"Hugging the door... what is wrong with you kids? First kissing the door and now hugging the door." She mumbled to herself. But with my werewolf hearing I could hear her loud and clear and burst out laughing. She looked back down at me.

"D-do you mind tell-ing me who k-k-kissed the door?" I asked in-between chuckles. She looked at me and sighed.

"A new kid called James. Are you two related? You look the same now that I think about it." I nodded and started laughing again imagining James kissing a door. He would actually do something like that and it just shows how much we are alike. After a few minutes I calmed down and got up.

"Yeah he's my twin, but don't worry we don't normally go around hugging and kissing doors." She looked at me and shook her head.

"So you're new to then? Do you need your timetable?" I nodded. She turned around and looked through her computer. She printed something of and handed me the paper.

"There you go. There's a map of the school on the back so you won't get lost and end up hugging any more doors." She said the last part with amusement. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I said my thanks and walked down the corridor to my first class. I walked in and sat at the table at the back. I sighed and looked out the window. I remembered mine and Coby's conversation earlier and chuckled quietly.

Five minutes later people started coming in I didn't look up but I could sense there stares on me. I sighed, yes I'm new get over it. I opened my mouth to say something but then a smell so intoxicating made me forget about it. It smelled like chocolate with a tint of woods. I inhaled and exhaled the smell that was driving my wolf crazy. My whole body tingling at the sensation and I swear everyone in this classroom could officially hear how fast my heart was beating.

'MATE' My wolf yelled. I was about to answer her, but was cut off by one pissed but sexy voice.

"You're in my seat." Sexy voice snarled making me sigh. Great my mate is someone who wants to fight over a seat real mature.

"Don't see your name on it." I said back casually. Don't show him what effect he has on you Chloe. I ran my fingers through my hair. Should I look at him? Well if his voice is sexy then he probably looks like a god or something. So nope I am not going to look at him.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Seat!" He growled, emphasizing each word. I sighed again, forget it, looking up I nearly fainted at how hot he was. He had the most amazing blue eyes and blonde hair which I could definitely run my hands through. I shook those thoughts out of my head as I reminded myself of the current situation. So my mate wants to play hard to get? Oh yes, I can do that.

"Or what?" I challenged. Cocking my head to the side I watched him. I noticed how his eyes kept flicking to my lips making me lick them out of nervous habit, earning a low growl from him. He looked into my eyes making me squint mine in return, what is wrong with this guy?

"I will throw you of." He challenged back.

I laughed, sure he would. "Doubt that," Turning my body to him I folded my arms over my chest.

He snarled and shook his head angrily, "Do you know who I am?" He said angrily. I think I even saw a vain pop out of his head.

"A little kid who never got his toy?" I suggested with a shrug.

Growling he moved his face closer, "I am the son of the alpha of Newmoon Creak. You will respect me." He whispered menacingly. I looked him up and down and scoffed.

"And I your royal highness is I don't give two shits if you were the alpha of the Bluemoon Creak or a piece of shit floating in the sewers!" I whispered back angrily. He took a sharp intake of breath and closed his eyes.

"It's the Newmoon Creak not Bluemoon Creak!" He shouted and snapped his eyes open. I looked around and noticed everyone was staring at me with wide eyes. I looked back at him.

"Bluemoon, Newmoon whatever I don't care!" I shouted back. He started shaking. Some boys from the other side of the classroom quickly got up and went to his side.

"Trey, let's go before you end up doing something you'll regret later." The blonde guy said. He looked at me and gave me a death glare before pulling 'Trey' away to the other side of the classroom.

Well that was interesting.


Picture of Coby ->


- Shenadex

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