Talk Time... Yay

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~ Chapter 34 ~

Chloe's POV

It's been two weeks since Trey and I had mated and to say that everything is great is a lie. Well between Trey and me it's all good but then it comes to my brothers; James in particular it really isn't. So that brings us too now where I am currently holding the phone away from my ears while he shouts on the other end, but no matter how far I put the phone I can still hear it... werewolf hearing and all.

"Come home NOW! I don't want you anywhere near that mutt Chloe! Answer me for god sake" He shouted emphasizing on the 'now' part. I cringed and sighed I hated this I just wanted them to get along.

"James, please for all that's freaking holy chill the hell out!" I replied in the same tone.

"Chloe I swear if you aren't home in the next five seconds..." He trailed of breathing deeply.

"How do you expect me to do that huh? In case you've forgotten I'm a werewolf not freaking superwomen!" I growled before hanging up ignoring he's screams and threats. I let out a strangled scream and jumped back onto Treys bed, punching the pillow.

"Orf maf goooth!" My shouts were muffled by the pillow.

"Hey don't worry it'll work out soon, hopefully?" He tried and failed to hide the question. I turned and looked up at him.

"The next time you say that try to not make it sound like a question yeah?" He nodded smiling a bit sheepishly. I sighed and got up.

"Where are you going?" He asked getting up to.

"I need to be getting back before he goes crazy on my ass." I said and picked up my phone from on top of his desk. I hear him sigh and walk up to me before wrapping his arms around me from behind and resting he's chin on top on my head. I sighed and put my phone down, putting my hands on top of his I pushed my back further into his chest.

"Don't go..." he trailed off. "... don't leave please stay with me; you are the only thing I need to get by, to get by..." I giggled as my heart warmed at the sound of he's voice.

"I didn't know you could sing..."

"You don't know a lot of things about me Chloe." He whispered in my ear. I frowned and my stomach dropped when I realised I actually didn't know much about him. I quickly moved out of he's arms and shivered at the sudden wave of coldness that took over my body. He dropped he's arms to he's side and let out a puff of air. Without looking at him I made my way to the door.

"I'll see you later." I said over my shoulder, I heard him mumble something but my mind settled on something else... why did I just walk out like that? I shook my head this mate thing is getting to me I don't normally react to things like this.


I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as my gaze moved every few seconds due to the tense atmosphere around me. I sighed and cleared my throat more forcefully wanting to cut it. When no-one started talking I cleared it again and again and again. Soon enough I started clearing my throat and making my own random tune forgetting they were in the room. It sounded kind of good to be fair. I bobbed my head and patted my thighs trying to get more sound into it.

"CHLOE!" I jumped and let out a high pitched squeal at the sight of an annoyed yet flustered James. I put a hand over my heart and let out a few dramatic gasp.

"Why don't you freaking stab me next time? You nearly killed me!" I said in mock horror. He rolled he's eyes and all expression was suddenly wiped of he's face. I looked around as the tense atmosphere appeared again.

"Don't even think about it!" James yelled just as I was about to clear my throat. I gave him a cheeky grin and sighed when it wasn't returned. I bit my lip and twiddled my thumbs.

"Soooo... can someone tell me why you're all looking at me like I'm giving birth to an alien?" I muttered.

"You won't be giving birth to anything soon," James muttered back. Why was he the only one speaking?

"Guys seriously, speak otherwise I'm going." I stated.

"We don't want you around that mutt," I narrowed my eyes at James.

"I don't want you around Summer." I growled. He snarled and jumped up ready to pounce on me. Cole quickly got up and tried to calm him down.

"Don't even go there!" Anger radiated from him to which I smirked to.

"Don't like it do you? Now that's how I'm feeling! So stop being such a hypocrite and think about how much it hurts me whenever you tell me to not be with my mate yeah?" I growled before turning and heading out the room feeling lighter for getting that off my shoulders. I let out a deep breath and fist pumped the air. Oh yeah I told him.

"Chloe?" I twisted my upper body in the direction that my name had came from and grinned at my dad.

"Yaaa?" I answered. He frowned, I knew he hated it when if didn't use proper English but for my own amusement I didn't around him.

"I'm proud of the way you handled James." He said smiling down at me.

"Oh you did didja? I thought it was kinda sweet to yahnooo..." I said trying to stop the smile which threatened at the sight of my dad's face.

Clearing his throat, "Yeah anyway hope you get it all sorted your brother has been giving me too much headache."

"Mhmm ok pops, we'll sort it out, but for now I must say you're losing a little hair aint ya?" I said innocently while turning my body round and pulling my dad's head down so I could look at his head. He squirmed a little obviously shocked that I had just said and did that. I suppressed a giggle and picked one of he's hairs of his head. He screeched and quickly got out of my grip and rubbed he's head furiously while scowling at me. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

"Do you see this dad? It's a grey hair... dude do you see it?" I said looking at the black hair in my hand. I heard him shuffle closer and look at it.

"It's black Chloe." He said back still rubbing he's head. I nodded and let the hair drop to the floor.

"I know but guess what?"

"What now?" He asked annoyed.

"At least I found out where those idiots in there got the girly screeches from." I said laughing and jogged off ignoring his words of how they got it from there mother, then the sound of my mum slapping him round the back of he's head. I laughed, ah that's my family for you.




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