Death island - chapter 13

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Im so sorry my chapter before said u didn't save it would u like to replace this chapter and i clicked yes and it deleted everything . because i love u all ill have to do it again💛



What was that?



The chanting was getting closer and louder.

"GURUPINITES!" Toby shouted and with that we ran .

We ran so fast my legs started hurt.

And then i heard a thump behind me. it was tara and she had fallen behind me.

I couldn't leave her.

So i went back.

She took my hand and i pulled her up with on big pull. everyone waited for us so we were all in danger.

We decided no one could go on further. then we saw the tree and thouht lets climb it.

Each step was agony.

1 leg 2 leg 1 leg 2 leg.

Then tara fell.



i fell.

I fell of the tree.

For two minutes it felt like i was flying.

Now all i could fell is the sharp pain in my hip.

All of the gurupinites crowed round me. probably about to kill me but then i saw someone pushing them out of the way, fighting them.




I only see her for a second as shes falling but when she hits the floor i have to peer over.

I decide I've got to get to her. help her.

"Don't even think about it" toby said as if he read my mind.

I look at him and fling my self off the tree.

I regretted it afterwards of course.

I hit the ground with a thump and my adrenaline went through my body as fast as light. then the pain cane through afterwards.

"OUCHHHH" i was expecting everyone to look at me. And they did . but it wasn't my friends it was the bald headed guys, the guroupinites.

The started picking me up, dragging me .but then they started to fall.

"TOBYY!TOBYY!TOBBY" i started screeching like them annoying kids in the supermarket wanting everything they see on each shelf.

I see these two arms that scoop me up placing me on his back.

Yay! piggy back! :)



I see em and toby in front em on his back. maybe riley will do the same. hopefully.

No he didnt.

He slings me over his shoulder like a rag doll.



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