Death Island - chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - a real nightmare

I awake from my sleep sweating . I must have had a nightmare yet i cant remember.

We are on some kind of beach like the ones mum and dad used to take me when i was little. But normally we would stay in a hotel but i know that there wasn't any of those here.

I get out the boat and walk towards ash who is sitting in the sand like the others.

"Good morning" she says trying to smile.

"Hello" says a woman with red hair "I'm jenny and this is Ellie and George" she points to the blonde woman and the man who was comforting her on the life boat last night.

"And I'm ben and this is john" the large man said pointing to himself and john who i met last night.

"Hello" i said nervously "i'm jess"

They all smile at me.

"So what are we going do about food and water?"

This makes me feel hungry and thirsty.

"Well we have some water and food in the lifeboat to keep us going for a while"

Everyone nods and it goes silent . Then suddenly jenny and the girl called Ellie start talking to each other about hair products as if nothing had happened but every one wanted to forget what happened last night.

Me and ash went back to the boat so we could talk privately. Ash had always been pretty with her green eyes and blonde hair. we had been best friends since we were 11. I remember singing to Mcfly to songs like star girl, going on holiday, and making her feel better when things went wrong.

"Are you ok?" she asked. "you look pale"

"Don't worry I'm fine!" i lie. I feel sick and just want to go home.

"Oh ok well...." her voice trails of in my my mind as i see something in the distance.

"Ash?"i say


"Whats that?"

She looks behind her and then scrambles to her feet.


"Hang on a minute sweetie" jenny shouts listening to Ellie talk about her hair.


"2 seconds!"

Then i see it an orange glowing colour.


Everyone turns to see.

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