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I woke up before anyone else in the cabin. Quickly I grabbed my clothes and changed before any woke. The time was five fifty in the morning. Once I was dressed I snuck out to the stable to care for my horse.

My fat baby boots crunched hay that was on the concrete floor as I walked to Jolly's stall. I emptied his water bucket and refilled it. Boots sounded at the end of the stable. I poked my head out and saw Jesse.

I gave Jolly his breakfast and scratched his chin before leaving him to eat his hay. "Thought there were people in the stable." Thomas said coming up to the door. "Early risers make better rodeo stars." He added before passing me. I went back to the cabin and found Alex still asleep.

I picked up one of his spurs and threw it at his butt. He groaned then put his pillow over his head. I got my pillow and whacked him with it. "Bailey it's too early." The time was seven thirty and breakfast was at eight. "How bout I wake you at four in the morning." He groaned again. "That's it you need to get up and apparently you don't want breakfast." I said quietly.

"Alexander Michael Lee you have two seconds to get up before I drag you out of that bed and into the nearest water trough." I threatened. Immediately Alex got out of the bed and pulled on his jeans.

"No way are you going to put me in a water trough." He told me. I smirked as he pulled on a shirt and his boots. Most of the guys in the room looked mostly scared. Those that were still in bed were out of bed.

I left the cabin and made my way over to the mess hall. Alex jogged up to me. "Don't ever do that again especially in front of a bunch of guys." He told me. "I think most of them were scared when I threatened you." I told him. "What did I miss?" Jesse asked coming up on my other side.

"I'm pretty sure I scared most of the guys in the cabin when I threatened Alex that I'd put him in the neatest water trough." I explained. "Then remind me never to get on your bad side." Jesse said as we entered. He held the door for me and Alex then entered himself.

After breakfast I tacked Jolly up for team rope. It was two hours long so we would have time for our other classes and started at nine. Once nine rolled around the ring had boys on horses in it.

A whistle got our attention. We all were quiet as a man in a Stetson and Oakley sunglasses came out. He looked at us the shook his head. "Headers behind me. Heelers in front of me." He said. I rode Jolly to where the other headers were.

"This summer you will learn to be both a header and a heeler.....and I and a friend of mine will teach you how." The man said. Jesse was partially smirking. "Who is that?" One guy asked quietly. "Who asked who I was?" The man said turning to us. All of us were quiet.

"I know it wasn't the lady. So which boy said that?" He said taking his sunglasses off. 'Omg Luke Brown!!! He's one of the best headers in America.' I thought. Kollin is or will be here.

I watched as Luke glared at the boys. Alex was going to try and heel because I was heading. Then another man came into the ring. "Ok we are going to switch. Headers you'll be starting as heeler. Heelers will start as headers."

Fair enough. The guy that hasn't introduced himself walked over to us. "To start out you are going to be in the place of your partner." The man said. He removed his sunglasses when a guy made a smart remark. "Excuse me? Would you care to repeat that out loud so the rest of us can hear what you said." He said. Kollin VonAhn stood in front of us.

Luke Brown and Kollin VonAhn stood in the arena with us. "How many are willing to learn how to be a heeler?" Kollin asked. I looked around and no one had their hands raised so I raised mine. "Wow. The only lady here is much more brave than you boys." Kollin said to them. "What's your name?" He asked me. "Bailey Willingham." I told him.

"Alright." He turned to Luke. "Who do you think she should be partnered with?" He asked his partner. "I'd go with Jesse." Luke told him.

"We want to learn your names so we know who is who." Luke told us. "We already know Bailey so let's start with the guy on her right." He added. After the two hours we were paired up and were ready to start roping.

They told us to cool our horses down before the next thing we had. After Jolly was cooled down I put him up and followed Alex. We grabbed our bull riding gear and went to the arena.

There were several to wolf whistle when they saw me. Our instructor came out to the center of the ring. "Today you will learn the basics of bull riding. How to hang on, what to do in and out of the chute, and ways to escape the bull." He took his sunglasses off and put them on top of his ball cap.

'LJ?' Alex was right next to me. "Wait isn't that LJ?" I asked quietly. "Yup." This is going to be cool. "Most of you know who I am. To those that don't. I'm LJ Jenkins. The one helping me with you boys and girl....." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is Mr. Bonner Bolton." He finished. A guy got off the fence and walked over to LJ. The entire first half they went over the do's and don'ts of bull riding. Once it was lunch time I took the gear off and put it back.

"Think you still want to do that?" Alex asked. "Nope not even if they are the instructors." I told him as we entered the mess hall.

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