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I woke up after getting home sometime after midnight. Jesse had his arms around me as half my body was on him. He breathed deeply as I lifted my head. I got up and looked at the time. It said eleven in the morning. I gathered clothes for a shower and went into the bathroom. After I turned the water on I stripped out of my tee and undergarments.

Once I was done I pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt over my undergarments. Then I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Jesse in nothing but boxers.

I sat down on the bed as he pulled on a pair of jeans from his bag. I pulled my boots on and went downstairs. Mom, dad, Alex and his dad were in the living room with Michael, Daniel, and a few other guys.

I looked at them weirdly. "Oh did I forget to mention that there was a PBR event while you were gone?" Dad said. "No you didn't." I told him. "Well since you got the house the guys brought trailers and a moving truck to help out. So which room first?" Dad said.

"The guest bedrooms and the master bedroom. Those are the first to go. The beds need to be taken apart and the first person to leave is taking the house key." Jesse came down the stairs.

"Bailey your bed has been taken apart and your dresser shrink wrapped." He said. "So what's next?" He asked. "Start packing the house. Jesse see which horses your dad wants and we'll take them with us back to Oklahoma. LJ said he's going to be here later to pick up the bulls he wanted." I told them. Jesse went out to the barn to get pictures of each horse.

The guys started packing the bedrooms. I went outside with Archie trailing behind me. "You can put boxes in the tack compartment of the trailer." I told them as I got in my truck to back it up.

Once I was backed up I got out and hitched it up. "Dad can you meet LJ later?" I asked. "I'm going to take the first of the things to the house."

"Anything for you baby." He told me. They loaded the mover with most of the bedrooms. "I've got the horses my dad wants." Jesse told me. "I've got them outside the stalls waiting to be loaded up." I nodded.

"The tack compartment is full of boxes and so is the back seat of my truck." I told him. "Plus I've got help to move livestock to your place." He smiled and shook his head. "Good lets get those we can loaded and head that way. Boxes can be put in my truck to help out."

I loaded Jolly and Dally then put Mississippi, Tuscaloosa and Zulu in the trailer. Jesse loaded eight into his large stock trailer. Dad got a trailer and loaded the rest of the horses into it.

"Ok if we leave now we'll reach Memphis by midnight." I told Jesse. Blake pulled up as Jesse walked back to the house. All of the guys except my dad, Jesse and Mike knew what he was like.

"Out of town? You were out of town? What do you think you were doing?" He asked pissed. "I was getting away from you." I yelled at him as he walked closer. He grabbed my arm and drug me away from the crowd.

"You don't leave town. You don't leave for vacation. You stay put and wait for our next date." He gritted. "Do you understand?" He said gripping my jaw. I didn't answer. "Do you understand?" I winced as tightened his grip when I didn't answer.

I wanted to get away from his grip but couldn't. For every second I didn't answer his grip tightened. "I understand." I winced. He let me go making me hit the side of the house. He walked back over to that stupid car of his. Archie went up behind him and bit at him.

I walked back from the side of the house and whistled for Archie. He trotted over and I loaded him up. LJ pulled up with a stock trailer big enough for seven of the bulls. "Hey Josh can you help LJ transport bulls?" I asked.

"The faster you get out of the state the better. Plus I'm heading to New Mexico to get more cattle. " He said to me. I nodded and continued to walk with Archie by my side. Once we got to the truck I loaded Archie up then got in my truck. "I'm heading out." I told them as the truck crawled down the drive.

"Go ahead. We'll be on the road shortly." Dad told me. Jesse pulled up behind my trailer ready to go. I pulled out of the place and hit the interstate with Jesse behind me.

I pulled over at a truck stop to fuel up and walk the horses and dog. People watched as I walked the horses around before putting them back in the trailer.

Jesse fueled up and I helped him walk the horses. We were three hours from Memphis so we were close enough. Harley started becoming a problem. "Ah come here bud." Jesse said to Harley. I moved Mississippi to Jesse's trailer so I could take Harley, he loves to be by Zulu.

Once we were on the road again we didn't stop until Memphis. Once there we pulled into a motel and walked the horses once more before going to bed. "People might think we're crazy hauling horses cross state." Jesse said as I went into the bathroom to shower.

"Yeah I'm sure I got horse crap on my boots." I told him through the door. I started the water and got out of my clothes. After I got a shower I got dressed and let Jesse get one. Archie was on one bed as I sat down in a chair.

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