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Nerd; A person who is highly intellectual but is usually rejected by society.

The word "Nerd" is perfect to describe anyone like me. Why? Because we are more intelligent than others in the society. And because of I have more brain cells then most of the idiotic students at my high school. I have been addressed as the "nerd" for the last 3 years. You would think it would wear off by senior year but it doesn't seem like it.

At school I'm always the person teachers go to for help tutoring the less intelligent and students always come to me for homework help. But, my high school isn't that cliché. There isn't a rule set by the 'queen bee' instructing everyone to stay away from me and if they decide to discard this rule they will be at the bottom of the popularity chain. Nope, that's too extreme.

I waited as lady in front of me finished checking out her grocery items. I stared at my unevenly bitten nails. If any of the girls at my school were to see my nails they would most probably have a heart attack. I laughed to myself; I had always been the kind of person who didn't pay much attention to what others thought about me. I had always been too focused on my studies or other things more important than my appearance.

"I can't believe you!" Screamed a girl behind me. I turned around to face the two teenagers arguing. I recognized the boy as one of the ignorant disgraceful 'players' at my school. He had a playful smirk pasted on his charming face. His red hair messily left on top of his eye. I couldn't recognize the girl since her back was to me. Her straight dirty blonde hair swiftly moved as she flicked her hair in his face before turning to face me.

"Can you believe boys? They tell you they "love" you and then go stare at some girl's ass!" She asked me angrily. I recognized the girls face almost instantly, her electric blue eyes giving away her identity. In front of me stood one of the most popular girls at my school. Rose Lloyd. She was right under the queen bee in the popularity chain.

"Um..Ya? I wouldn't really know. I don't have much experience with boys." I stated calmly. It as finally my turn at the checkout, I smiled at the clerk as she scanned my items.

"Sarina, right?" Asked Rose. I nodded; it felt odd to be recognized by someone like her. I had always thought that someone like me was invisible to people like them.

"You're the one who helped me pass my algebra class two years ago!" She said excitedly remembering when I had tutored her.

"Yup, that's me!" I replied in a fake enthusiastic voice. Rose had been one of the easiest people to teach. She was naturally smart if only she put some more effort into her studies. I watched as her phone rang and her had a short conversation with the person on the other end of the phone. I was paying the clerk when Rose told me she had to go and then she would see me around school. She grabbed her purse and rushed out. I grabbed my groceries and started walking to car.

"Excuse me, miss!" A voice called out to me. I turned to see the clerk running after me.

"Yes?" I asked politely as I placed my bags on the floor. Damn, they were heavy!

"Your friend forgot this in the store." The clerk said handing me a pamphlet. I nodded knowing it was Rose's. I decided not to interrupt the clerk and tell her that Rose wasn't really my friend.

"Aright, I give it too her" I told the clerk before she walked back into the store. I placed the pamphlet in my purse before heading to my car with the extremely heavy bags. I guess I would have to give her the pamphlet at school. I started my old silver Toyota and turned on some random radio station before heading home.

* * *

I placed the freshly made garlic bread and baked fish on the dinning table. My mother and father were seated opposite of each other while my little brother sat on my right. I looked over at the empty chair on my left missing her bubbly presence.

I ate quietly as my brother told my parents about his day. I ate quietly as they discussed his studies and other things I didn't care about.

"Sarina how was your AP history test?" My father asked. God, this couldn't go well. I took a deep breath.

"It was alright. I got 98%..." I said slowly. I knew I was in trouble. My parents demanded that I get 100% in every test. As much as I tried it was nearly impossible. They only started being strict after she left.

"98! You call the all right? You basically failed!" My mother shouted at me. I knew this coming. My parents thought that anything under 100 was failure.

"Actually 50% is a fail. I actually did the best in my whole class." I yelled back. I didn't know where this was coming from since I had never talked back to my parents before.

"You will not talk to your mother like that!" My father shouted back. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my brother hiding his laughter. That little fudge face found this funny!

"I will talk to you like this! Because you never listen! It's like you all blame me for what happened to her! It wasn't my fault. All through Junior High and high school you've been adding so much pressure on me! I've been studying so hard! It's now the end of senior year and I'm still studying. My whole grade is partying or planning trips with their friends for summer break while I seat her and study!" I spat back angrily.

"That's not true! And you know we don't speak about her. Plus, they are partying now because they don't care about their future. In a few years you'll be living in comfort while they will be working their butts off in Tim Horton's!" My father scolded. They always said that. That if I didn't get perfect grades I would end up in Tim Horton's!

"Why not? Why should we forget her? Also, What's the point of having a boring high school life?" I screamed back. I stood up and walked out of the room. I locked the door to my room and sat down on my computer chair. I picked up my purse and rummaged through it. I needed to find that pamphlet! I picked up the pamphlet labeled "Make My Trip. Com." I placed the pamphlet on the table and entered the website into Google.

The bright blue website popped up. "Make My" I scanned through the website. I opened up Rose's pamphlet. She was going on a trip to Spain. I had heard her talking about in class. She was going with Cameron Taylors and Landon Mathews. Also known as the biggest players of East Valley High. No matter who you were, you knew them. Cameron was your usual sporty, narcissistic bad boy, player. He was the boy almost every girl wanted to date. He was also the guy that every other guy wanted to be. The typical High School Player. And then you meet Landon Mathews, Cameron's sidekick. He's a flirt, a bad boy and an idiot.

The trip consisted of three stops, one in Madrid, Spain's capital and then in Buñol to witness Spain's biggest festival "La Tomatina" and then to end off the trip they will go on random tour of Barcelona. The trip seemed so amazing. There would be so much learn and- stop! I am going on this trip to have fun and experience life at the fullest not learn!

Wait... Did I just say I was going on this trip??? I guess I did.

I quickly create an account on the website. I looked through the different packages available in Spain and clicked on the correct one. There were four spots for the trip and three of them were taken. I took this as a sign and clicked on the bright red "Book" button. I pulled out my credit card and paid $1,599. I had saved up all this money to buy my parents a second honeymoon but I needed a vacation. And I needed it now! I need to get away from my parents! After she left everything changed. I needed a chance to defy reality

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