Chapter Three- The "So-not-a-date" date

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Picture on the side of Cameron>

We grabbed our carry on's and exited the large plane. I followed behind Rose who seemed to know where she was going.

We scurried through the heavly crowed airport until we found the evil language cycle. I had always hated these things. I was never able to pull my bags off before it spinned away from me.

I spotted my bag coming, I got ready to grab it. Both Rose and Cameron had already defeated the monster. Now, it was up to Landon and I to finish off the job. Who knew ten hours on a plane with Cameron, could drive someone so insane they thought a luggage machine was a monster...

My blue suitcase rotated till it came to the perfect position.  I was about to grab my suitcase but some ride picked from behind.

 "Hey that's my bag!" I said turning to see who took my bag. I was in no mood to scream at some confused tourist. I wanted my bag back! I faced the boy/man/thing who sadly turned out to be Cameron.  "I could've gotten it myself!" I said annoyed before snatching it away from him. It seemed that Cameron had completely forgotten about my question and his horrid and his ever-so-frightening glaze.

 * * *

 The beauty of Spain is indescribable. Each brick had it's own design and beauty. I stared out the taxi window as the different houses few by. The four of us were piled into a small taxi, which was driving us to our hotel. I had read about the hotel before in a magazine. We were staying at the Ritz Madrid Hotel. One of the most costly hotels in Spain. How we were affording it was something I didn't need nor want to know. As soon as we hotel area I was stunned. the hotel looked as if were a castle. the size was uncomparable to any place I had stayed at before. The exterior was magnificent. The building has a rough and old texture with a elegant ora. A handsome man in a black tux escorted us inside while another man took our luggage. We were welcomed by a delightful and stunning lobby. The lobby had a sparkling marble.floor thY were cleaned so well I could see each of my imperfections.

Cameron chatted with the tall dark lady at the counter as Rose, Landon and I stood stunned by the elevator. The elevator was shinny golden color that was glistening in the low sunlight entering the lobby.

 Cameron handed Rose two small key cards and map of where are room was located. We had purchased two double bed rooms. One for the boys and the other for the girls. I was quite pleased since I would very uncomfortable sharing a room with either of the boys.

We spilt off into our pairs deciding that we would all meet in the lobby in an hour.

Rose and I entered large golden elevator in excitement. I was awaiting the amazingness if our room was anything like the ravishing lobby the hotel had, I am sure to be pleased.

I stepped out the of the elevator with my fingers and toes crossed. I slowly slid in my key card and opened Tue evenly paired white door. I was welcomed into the hotel room by the alluring view of Madrid. I slowly paced my entrance trying to take in as much of the room as possible.

The room was simply but beautifully decorated with a warm color combination of a creamy white and blue. I scanned the room and my eyes quickly set on the bathroom door.

 "I call the shower first" I said before Rose could fully enter the room. I dropped my suitcase in the corner of the room and slipped into the washroom. To say the washroom was ravishing would be an understatement. The washroom was ten times the size of my kitchen in Calgary. On one was the showe and to the left of that was the jet bathtub. I looked around the bathroom once again before stripping off my clothes. I turned on the steaming hot shower  soaling my tired and acheing body. It felt so relaxing after ten hours of sitting on the same plane with Cameron.

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