Chapter Thirteen- Guilty

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 I laid Sarina’s unconscious body on the bed. She looked so peaceful in her deep sleep. Her eyes still red and puffy from her tears. I looked down at my tear stained shirt. I missed her small head nuzzled into my neck as she recalled her traumatic past. As I though back to her argument with Landon, I couldn’t help but feel angered. He’s such a dickhead!

 I clenched my fists in anger. I looked at Sarina’s limp body as it lay on her bed. She was curled up in a little ball with her arms snuggled around her. I smiled before slipping out of the room. I entered the elevator with some other people and waited until I reached the right floor. I quickly exited the elevator and searched for the right room.

 As soon as I found the room I heavily pounded on the wooden door. Soon enough a tired looking Rose opened the door in surprise. I moved out Rose out of the way and entered the room without being invited. Landon lay on his bed looking bored. The fact that he was peacefully lounging while Sarina cried her whole heart out angered me. How could he be so heartless!

 I marched up to him giving a glare. “You sicken me.” I said trying to control my anger. He just smirked at me.

 “Aww did I upset your girlfriend?” He asked in rude teasing manner. I clenched my fists as I looked into his greyish-blue eyes looking for any sign of emotion. Humor.

 “She isn’t my girlfriend,” I said through my teeth. I could feel the overwhelming tense atmosphere.

 “I know, you just want to sleep with her. Well, I made you job easier. She’s vulnerable, hurry up and get her to sleep with you.” He said with an evil wink. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt in a threating manner.

 I didn’t know why but she was different.  She was important to me unlike the other girls. I’m not saying I like her, cause I don’t but she’s special.

 “Say it to my face, I dare you” I spat. His devil smirk was replaced by a half frightened and half angered frown. I could see his eyes trying to burn holes in me. I grinned as I continued to talk.

 “You’re a prick and a jackass you know that.” I said giving him a cold stare.

 “And she isn’t a bitch?” He asked as if it was obvious.

 “Last time I checked she’s not the one who made someone cry until they were to tired to move.” I growled. He put his hands up in a mocking surrender.

 “Why don’t you try to listen to my side of the story? Ask me why I decided to bring that unfortunate event up. “ He spat. I nodded in annoyance.

 He took a deep breath. “I don’t enjoy being a dick to people. Whether you believe me or not.” He said with a sigh.


 “How can you be such a idiot? You almost failed every class!” My dad yelled at me.  I knew I almost failed I didn’t need a reminder. Plus, I wanted to be a drummer not a doctor.

 “Why does it matter?” I spat annoyed.

 “You were a complete mistake.” He growled to me. What does that mean?

“I thought I told you I wasn’t ready to tell him!” My mother shouted.

 “Tell me what?” I asked.

 “Nothing, dear“ She said, I could tell she was lying. Why was I the only one who didn’t know!

 “Don’t hide this from your own son!” My father scolded my mother. I rolled my eyes. Will some just tell me!

 “Your mother was a one-night stand.” My father said bluntly. “You weren’t supposed to happen. Neither of us wanted you! But since your mothers such a fucking saint she just could aboard you.” He continued.

 I stood staring at both my parents in shock. I balled my hands into fists. I glared at them before grabbing my suitcase and walking out the door.

 You’re a fucking mistake. A mistake. My father’s words haunted my mind as I loaded my luggage into my car.

 We didn’t want you. I clenched my hands around the steering wheel as I drove to the airport.

 I collapsed onto the bed angered. Cameron stared at me as if he had seen a ghost.

 “Dude, I’m so sorry I didn’t know.” He said pleading his case.

 “Of course he didn’t. You were to busy admiring Sarina!” I growled.

  “I know I screwed up but we’re bros,” He said punching me playfully. I grinned.  I can’t stay mad at him!

  “Fine, but remember ‘Bro’s before” He cut me off.

  “Hoes!” he cheered. We laughed before doing a ‘bro hug.’

  “Landon” A voice lightly croaked from the door. I turned to see a broken looking Sarina. Guilt.

 I felt bad for treating her like shit. I shouldn't of hurt her like that. She didn’t even know about what happened with my parents.

 “I’m sorry, I didn’t know” She said teary eyed. I gulped. She looked so fragile and broken.

 “I know, I over reacted. I’m sorry,” I said truthfully. She slowly smiles and hugged me. I hugged her back until Cameron glared at me. Which made me hug her more tightly teasingly.

  “Can’t breathe!” She huffed. I laughed letting her go.

  “Friends?” She chirped. I nodded ruffling her hair only making her elbow me. 

“Yay we’re all friends again!” Rose said from her bed where she had been sitting the whole time. We all hugged. Sarina and Rose pulled us into a group hug. Cameron and I groaned in awkwardness.

 After we pulled apart Sarina turned to Cameron. “I heard you call me a hoe.” She said laughing. She pushed him backwards into the wall with her finger, while playfully glaring.

 “So are you guys, like, together?” Rose asked excited. If they were, I wouldn’t let Cameron live this down. Let the teasing begin!

 “Eww! No!” shrieked Sarina. I guess I have to kiss the teasing goodbye. For now!

  “So you think dating me is gross?” Cameron threatened playfully before throwing Sarina over his shoulder.

  “We’ll meet you guys in the lobby in a half-hour. Then we can go out.” We all nodded as he carried Sarina out.

  “Just enough time for a quickie!” Cameron joked. Sarina screamed “eww!” back extremely loudly.

  “It’s so obvious they like each other.” Rose said when they were out of earshot. I nodded they liked each other. But, I knew they both would never admit it.


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