Chapter Twelve - Bloody Murderer

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“Pretty please with a cherry on top?” I pleaded with my irresistible puppy dogface. Tiana looked at me with uncertainty. Being older and more “responsible” she had to think twice before agreeing to let me drive.

 She slowly handed me the keys of her brand new black Rav4. Still giving me an indecisive look she placed the keys in my hand. I jumped up and down with joy. I probably looked like kid on a sugar high.

 “Thanks sis!” I said happily. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before running upstairs. I was almost on the top step when she stopped me.

 “You never told me where you are going with my car.” She said suspiciously. I flashed her an innocent smile.

 “It’s me, we are talking about. Where do you think I’m going?” I asked. Unlike every other person in my high school, I didn’t party, drink, smoke, date or do any of the other teenage things teens my age did. I’m probably the most innocent and “good” girl in year 10.

 “Right… but who goes to a bookstore during Winter Break?” My sister was completely opposite from me. She loved to party and most importantly she was social. She wasn’t a socially outcast “nerd” like me.

 “This girl!” I said pointing both my thumbs at myself. We both laughed as I run upstairs to get ready. I scanned through my closet but was unable to find something pretty to wear. Normally I wasn’t very picky with my appearance but today was important.

 “Tiana!” I screamed from my room fed up with my closet.

 “What?” She said scurrying into my room with a broom. Why she had a broom with her was beyond me.

 “What’s with the broom?” I asked giving her a odd look.

 “You screamed as if there was a bloody murderer.” I laughed before pointing to my closet. She nodded understanding. “ So, why the dress up? Are you meeting a boy?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

 “In fact, I am.” I said with a grin. She jumped up and down.

 “My baby sister is finally growing up!” I stuck my tongue out at her before replying.

 “I’m only two years younger than you! You act like your my mom. But, no your just in senior year” I said. She ignored my comment and started asking about the boy.



 “Eww bad name.” I scowled at her. “Fine, Age?”

“Thirty-three” Her expressing was priceless.

“I’m not trying to be ageist but isn’t he a little old for you?”

 “Who said I was gonna date him?” I said laughing. She gave me a questioning look.

 “I’m going to a meet and greet with John Green. My favorite author.” I said slowly so she could take it all in.

 “Oh… Guess you aren’t really growing up.” I sighed before slipping on the clothes she laid out for me. She had chosen a simple dark blue tank top with white skinny jeans. On top of the tank top was a lace white sweater. I fixed my hair and smiled at my appearance. I grabbed my phone and skipped down stairs.

 “Bye!” I screamed as I shut the white door. The cool winter breeze welcomed me. I pulled my snow jacket tightly around myself. I walked to my sister’s rav4 as the white snow sprinkled on my head. In most cities people want a “white Christmas” while in Calgary everyone wants a warm and nice Christmas. There were only to seasons in Calgary, winter and July.

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