Chapter 1: First Light

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Daybreak- The time in the morning where daylight first appears

Third Person P.O.V

Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Nin- Energy that flows in one's body. It is capable of taking many forms, Nin is mainly used to create elemental magics

~ 2 years later ~

"Hikari! Hikari! Come on we're gonna be late for the ninja graduation ceremony!" A girl said, she had long blonde hair that fell to her waist, with a pink rose in her hair. She had sapphire blue eyes, and was considerately attractive. She wore a pink blouse and a light blue wavy skirt.

"Yeah yeah, I know Annabelle." A boy laying in bed with blue striped pajamas. He had medium short blonde hair that spiked up in the back. He had bright blue eyes, and wore a gold dragon pendent. It had a blue sapphire inside the dragon's mouth, Hikari wore it everywhere.

"This is so pointless, why do we need a graduation ceremony? Can we just become ninja already!?" Hikari complained, sitting up from his bed.

"Come on it will be fun, plus you're the Valid Victorian of the class so you have to be there!" Annabelle urged him.

"Yeah so what it's not like anyone in our class is very talented." Hikari arrogantly said, putting on a green jacket over a white shirt with yellow writing in kanji. He put on blue pants, and kept headphones around his neck.

"No one is talented? Excuse me! Get off your high horse, I'll show you I'm better than you right now!"Annabelle put up her hands as if she were going to fight.

"Later." Hikari waved as he opened the door and left his house

"Huh? Wait d-don't leave without me! I'm sorry!" Annabelle yelled as she ran after Hikari.

Annabelle arrived to see Hikari sitting in the front row of white chairs. "Wow the decor is lovely!" Annabelle marveled at the purple tapestry stitched with the raven logo symbolizing their village, the village hidden in the illusion.

"Oh hey Annabelle there you are. I thought I was slowing you down by not marveling at the decorations." Hikari sarcastically mentioned.

"Maybe if you didn't abandon me! Well whatever I'll sit over there! Unlike you I have other friends!" Annabelle took her hand off the chair next to him.

"H-Huh? Uh wait I didn't mean that!" Hikari started to think. *Oops guess I was a little too harsh! I've been starting to act like this a lot lately.*

"Too late, I'm off." Annabelle walked away to sit with her friends.

"Well I guess I'm alone now." Hikari sighed as he watched a man with black hair and dull black eyes move up to the speaker. He wore a draped purple robe, with black stripes that came of a crest with a raven within it, the village mascot animal.

"Hello, I am Kija, or Lord Raven of the Illusion Village. I'm pleased to announce this years graduates." The man said, he looked to be fairly young, although in actuality he was around 40.

The audience started to cheer loudly. *Everyone is over excited.* Hikari thought, raising an eyebrow.

"As most of you know. Once you graduate the ninja academy, you become an apprentice ninja. This means you are the lowest rank of ninja, to become a higher rank you must train and then take the Advancement Exams. If you pass the exam, you will be promoted to an official ninja. If you can go beyond that, you are considered a Ninshi, so if you want to become strong, a lot of training is required!" Lord Raven explained the system.

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