Chapter 46: Dancing In Fire

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"Sawa!" Amai cried, her voice echoing throughout the dimension. Her sister's smiling face made it feel her eyes fill with translucent tears. She touched her sister's blood soaked body, a large hole where her stomach should be.

"Amai, I guess I was the stupid one who ended up getting killed." Sawa coughed up blood, her life was near end, she had but a few seconds left.

"Sawa! I-I!" Amai yelled, her sadness overwhelmed her ability to think.

"Amai, calm down. I'm dying, and I'm not going to let you join me. I'm the older sister by a minute, so you do what I say, and I mean this with love. You're nice attitude causes others to walk all over you, but you can't let them. Assert yourself, this will help you on ninja quests in the future. Show the world just how strong you really are, show them what I couldn't." Sawa let out tears. "I love you Amai."

"I love you too sister!" Amai hugged her sister, until her body was as cold as ice. "I love you." Tears streamed down her face.

"Amai." Tatsumaki looked at her with sympathy, he went to go comfort her, however suddenly stopped in his tracks and opened his eyes wide. "A-Amai?!"

The gentle, nice girl let off a new vibe, one of strength. Her magenta hair became a cherry red, her eyes a wonderful fuchsia. "Blood Connection!" Amai whispered, this was her Gene Ability. It only occurs when another born with the same ability dies, such as a twin. This ability gives the user the dead person's Nin to fuses it with their own, becoming twice as strong.

"Amai? Are you okay?" Tatsumaki asked, reaching out to her.

Kami smirked from above them, glowing in golden mist. "Is someone mad I killed her sister?!" She chuckled.

Amai turned to Kami, her fuchsia hues were striking, fierce like a beast. Her hair raised slightly in the air from the extra energy she was giving off after the fusion of power. She bent over and touched her broken gun, which suddenly began to reconstruct. It became two gloves, with the ability unleash the same energy as her blaster gun was able to. "That's better." Amai muttered.

"Wh-What did she do?" Kami was impressed. "Was that magic?"

Amai placed on the red gloves that covered up to her knuckles, leaving the fingers open. It had a hole on the palm of the glove that released the energy. The excess energy was the reason she was able to suddenly forge a new item, her bloodline was that of blacksmiths. "I will show you my strength!"

"Sounds fun!" Kami unleashed a burst of light, golden chains attacked her. "Chains Of Cerberus!"

Amai channeled her Nin, unleashing the same Rin technique that allowed her to use her gun. "Hyacinth: Eternal Frost!" She froze the chains with a burst of icy blue energy.

"What?!" Kami freaked, her eyebrows narrowed. "Dark Style, Unseen Hand!" Shadowy hands were sent at Amai.

"Rose: Scarlet Soulfire!" Crimson flame engulfed the hands, burning them to the ground and forming a rose in the flames.

"How did she get this strong?!"

Amai raised both her hands. "Time to show you my new power! Zinnia: Sacred Discharge!" Magenta and scarlet hues released out of Amai's gloves, the large blast enveloped Kami.

"Amazing!" Tatsumaki marveled. "That's why I love her!" He blurted aloud, his face red as a tomato.

"This power also leaves you paralyzed for a small portion of time, Tatsumaki go!" Amai yelled to him.

"Right! Storm Style, Emerald Tornado!" A green hues storm consumed a paralyzed Kami.

Amai smiled. "Now to show my other power! Water Lily: Spiritual Evolution!" A beautiful white flower formed and spread petals on the tornado that enhanced its power and endurance.

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