Prologue: The Dragon

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-Kami Village-

My blue eyes shed constant tears, like an ocean leaking out water. I tightly grasp my dragon pendant that I wore around my neck.

A silhouette, stands above me. With no face, even though a second ago I knew who they were. "Who are you?" I ask, my blonde hair blowing in the wind.

"I've come to take what's mine." The faceless man responded.

"D-Did you do this?" I ask, as my tears fall down like rain.

The faceless man stares into my eyes, why do his eyes remind me of the ocean my parents took me too when I was young? "I did."

Thoughts start to race in my head. I become angrier with every new thought. Why do his eyes convey that he is a savior, does he think he's a hero? This murderer with blood on his hands. "How dare you!" I scream.

"Don't worry, your suffering will end soon." The man said as he raised his hand in front of my face.

"I've suffered enough!" I cried.

"I'm going to use my Nin in order to take what should have been mine!"

A red-orange aura leaked out of the faceless man. Nin, the energy that flows within all of us. It can be used to battle in many different ways, how will he use his? "I may not look it, but I'm in AU!" I yell, speaking of my academy for assassins.

"Oh you're an assassin? That's a joke, you aren't a true assassin until you make a heartless kill." The man smiled as his Nin grew larger.

"No way you're an assassin?!" I panicked. I don't think I can beat him, what should I do?

"Yes and I've come to extract the spirit within you!"

"Spirit within me?" I asked confused.

"Funny how you don't know that Hikari-Deus resides inside you."

"Hikari-Deus?" I look at my hands and then clutch my pendant.

"The dragon forged of pure light, naturally descended from the sun. The dragon emitted great power, it's Nin could defeat thousands. However the dragon couldn't last on Earth, because the human air pained its godly lungs. The dragon suffered until one day, when a boy discovers the dragon and befriended it. The dragon, then takes advantage of the boy and possessed his body. Ever since then, the dragon had jumped body to body for a perfect host to reside in." The man said.

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask.

"Why, because that boy was your descendant. The dragon now resides within you, and I am going to steal it."

"Why?" I ask.

"That's none of your business." He raises his hand and his Nin attacks me.

The red-orange aura surrounds me and I scream in pain. It feels like getting cut with a hot knife, I've never felt so much pain. "W-What are you doing?" I scream psychotically.

"I'm extracting the dragon! Hikari-Deus's power will soon be mine!" The man chuckled.

I start to see a golden tail come out of my body, then wings, and eventually a body. "S-Stop it!" I shed tears.

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