Chapter 29: Twilight

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Emergency Election- When a leader of a village perishes or is unable to lead, a leader will be passed down to the most capable ninja.

~ September 6th, Village Hospital ~

"You remember!" Yosei was astonished, staring at Hikari, who sat in a white hospital bed.

Hikari opened his bright ocean blues. "You saved me."

Yosei blushed. "No...I just- well that was the past."

"What's going on here?" Rozu asked, watching the two exchange glances.

"Well the truth is...we met 3 years ago." Yosei gave a small smile, and shifted her eyes back to Hikari.

"W-What?!" Rozu dropped her jaw. "Since when? How come I didn't know?"

Hikari smiled. "Sorry Rozu, I forgot... and she kept it secret. I know why."

"I'm still confused." Rozu scratched her head.

"Back then, that was you." Hikari got closer to Yosei.

~ 4 Years Ago, Kami Island ~

"I don't think I can do it. It's been days!" Hikari complained.

"You'll get it, don't worry!" Kite tried calming him down.

"Ugh! Show me again?" Hikari asked.

"Alright." Kite started to focus. "Light Style, Holy Excalibur!" Kite formed a sword of pure light.

"Alright here I go-" Hikari was interrupted by a sound and a scream.

"What was that?" Kite asked, running out of the dimly lit cave.

Hikari followed to find that a girl had been falling from the cliff they were on. "Help!" She screamed.

"Kite you have to save her!" Hikari yelled.

"Hikari, actually it's gonna have to be the other way around. I'm too heavy, so the rocks will crumble and I'll end up making her fall." Kite explained, Hikari nodded.

"I understand. Here I go." Hikari whispered to himself. Looking at the girl with pink hair, and aqua blue eyes.

"Help!" She screamed once more, only holding on to a small rock, about to break.

"I'm coming!" Hikari called, jumping down to save her.

"No Hikari! Don't do that you'll just-" Kite stopped as Hikari broke the rocks and she started to fall. "Break it, shit!" Kite jumped down to save them both.

"This was my plan!" Hikari yelled, falling from the large cliff, he grabbed her.

"Huh?" She looked in his eyes.

"Light Style, Holy Excalibur!" Hikari summoned the weapon of light. Before reaching the ground, he swung it, causing energy to explode and stop them from falling quickly.

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