Chapter 44: Heartbreaker

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A colossal orange circle loomed over the battles of all the ninja. It would absorb all the Nin used and power Thanatos' second layer. Hades could then take Hikari-Deus and Senketsu as long as he also obtained Hikari's dragon pendant with the forbidden crystal.

Hades was able to transport the ninja to different areas via Aquarius Source. Each dueled a member of Supernova, or the deities Kami and Shinju. The battle began to beat up in these areas.

| Kami's Dimension |

"Where are we?" Amai asked, putting on her red glasses that she rarely wore when fighting.

The sky was painted gold, the floor a pure white. The same sight as Hikari, Sinha, Rozu, and Jaku saw long ago. Jaku took the lead. "It's Kami's world, she's here to kill us."

"So this is Kami I've heard about. She is more of a scaredy-cat that the stories say." Sawa sneered.

"Kami is a threat! Don't take her lightly!" Jaku shouted at Sawa.

"You're not even a ninja, don't tell me what to think!" Sawa grabbed her shirt.

"Sawa stop!" Amai tried to get between them.

Tatsumaki sighed and pushed himself between the two, shielding Amai. "Okay ladies that's enough. Let's settle this dispute on the battlefield." He calmed the two down.

"For you Tatsumaki-san!" Jaku took his hand, blushing red. Amai immediately combusted.

"H-He's mine!" She said extremely quietly, but her heart yelled it.

The four ninja made their way to a large tower, in which Kami resided. The tower was made of copper and in a spiral shape. It had many black holes, which Jaku pointed out are actually doors to the tower. "Here we are." Jaku placed her brown hair into a ponytail.

"Lightning Style, Plasma Eruption!" Kami's voice boomed, along with it was a spark of electricity. Purple energy consumed the four ninja, followed by a dose of white hot lightning. "Welcome to my realm!" Kami laughed manically.

"Are you okay?" Tatsumaki asked Amai after the intense shock. He had a certain resistance to electricity since his own power deals with it. "I'm mostly resistant, and that hurt like hell."

"I-I can manage. How's Sawa?" Amai asked, failing to lift her head.

"I'm fine." Sawa replied, standing just fine. Jaku had used a seal to completely block the attack in their direction. "Thanks to her."

Jaku smiled. "I'm not a fighter, but I specialize in support techniques. I'll try to block her moves and enhance yours." Jaku offered a strategy.

"Sounds good to me." Tatsumaki stood up, Amai began to move. She took out her gun and set it into a sniper position.

"I'll snipe her from here." Amai said, her pinkish-orange locks touching the static ground morphed her hair. With her glasses destroyed, she relied on her normal eyesight.

"Good luck Amai, I guess Sawa and I are the two front runners. I'll do my best!" Tatsumaki stated.

Sawa unsheathed her sword. "Let's go!" She recklessly charged to Kami, who sat on a large black throne. Her blonde locks fell to the floor and her golden eyes were ferocious.

"Lightning Style, White Spark!" White colored electricity released from Kami's body.

"Sword Style, Ivy Guard!" Sawa increased the sword's defense, a green aura emitting from the blade. As the lightning struck, it pushed her feet backwards.

"Oh my. You blocked my attack, I'm surprised. Although that is my weakest, there is much more to come!" Kami raised her hands up and cackled like a witch.

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