Chapter 37: Liar Mask

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| September 20th, Storm Village |

"That guy just walked out of the sphere." Sinha stated, watching the man in the black cloak walk away, receiving five points.

"Must be strategy." Tatsumaki observed.

"I guess so. I just hope Matsuri is okay." Sinha worried, hoping she would win.

Down in the sphere of water, Matsuri, Sora, and Najasho from Leviathan Scale fought it out.

"Two ninjas from the Illusion Village, hm? Even if you gang up on me, I won't lose!" The boy yelled, taking his whip from his side and attacking with it. His blue and black hair waved around in the water.

"Water Style, Sunken Chains!" Matsuri restricted his hands with chains of water. They became stronger, as the surrounding was only water.

"You're a strong water user, am I!" Water formed around him and broke the chains.

"What?" Matsuri's eyes shot a piercing glare. "He's strong."

"You think I'll be overwhelmed by another water user? Ha! That's hilarious!" Najasho boasted, his Whip struck Matsuri's arm, which she used to defend her body.

"Why everyone is distracted, I'll-" Sora plotted, but Matsuri didn't forget about him.

"Water Style, Ocean Hand!" Water formed and squeezed him. Sora complained, as Najasho went in to injure Matsuri.

"Let's fight, water girl! Water Style, Aquatic Whip!" His whip formed a coat of shimmering water, it sparkled over the water dome they were within.

"It's bright." Sora shielded his eyes, as did Matsuri.

"It's over!" Najasho struck Matsuri, knocking her down fast. She was about to be taken out of the water sphere.

"No!" She regained herself. "I won't be beaten in water!" The blue liquid surrounded her body in a spiral. "Twisted Geyser!" The water heated and she landed a quick and powerful kick on Najasho, as he fell out of the water sphere.

"Najasho exits! Leviathan Scale receives two points!" The blond announcer states. An evil aura lurked near him, the hooded figure smiled deviously. "It's just Matsuri against Sora now!"

"It's time, Matsuri! For my trump card!" Sora smiled. "Ice Style, Overfrost!" He unleashed a white glow as ice froze the entire dome of water.

"No!" Matsuri worried as she was frozen solid. Sora smirked and smiled upward.

"Guess I won." He stated, the announcer spoke.

"Um you have to remove her from the dome to win." The blond announcer stated, Sora sweat-dropped.

"I thought I could just immobilize her!" He cried and whined. "I guess I'll just leave!" He exited the dome, as he couldn't remove her from the dome.

"Matsuri wins!" The announcer said loudly, as ninja's removed her from the ice.

In the balcony of Death Wish, Cold Mask spoke to another hooded figure on his team.

"That's her?" Cold Mask asked.

"Yeah...she got stronger. Although, the girl won't be able to reach my level. Her water lacks a certain beauty." The other black cloaked figure spoke.

"You're the best water user I know of, so I don't doubt your judgement." Cold Mask stated.

A large screen displayed the points. Matsuri's picture was shown with ten points, Cold Mask with five points, Najasho with two, and Sora with zero.

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