Chapter 5: Night Flower

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️God Move- A technique that is usually threatening to life that is not a "God", it is deemed forbidden and it's among the strongest of all Nin moves.

-3 Years Ago, Hidden Village-

"Aren't they so pretty?" A women with lilac hair asked.

"Yeah they sparkle so brightly in the night, I love them." Sinha replied, looking younger.

The two sat in field of glowing violet flowers, with center was blue and yellow.

"They remind me of you Sinha." She smiled.

"Really they do?" Sinha asked.

"Yes just like how the night flowers illuminate the night, you are my moonlight that shines in the dark."

"Moonlight... I will I'll always shine bright in the dark moments!" Sinha got worked up.

"Oh dear did I get you all worked up. Anyway here, take this." She said as she picked a night flower and placed it inside a pendent. "Always wear this for me okay?" She handed the pendent that was shaped like a crescent moon to Sinha.

"Yep, always!" Sinha said as they looked at the moon and laughed together.

-May 27, Illusion Village Hospital-

"This is the last day we have to be here." Hikari yawned as he looked around the four hospital beds.

"Yeah then we can all be better. Right Rozu you got creamed and had to be saved by your Sensei!" Sora laughed.

"Gosh I've only known you for seven days in bed and you're already annoying the crap out of me Sora!" Rozu shouted. She looked over at Sinha who looked as though he was lost in thought.

"Um Sinha are you ok?" Hikari asked.

"Oh yeah sorry... Rozu you aren't not hurt are you I don't really remember the end of our battle." Sinha was confused.

"Wait you seriously don't remember?" Sora was surprised.

Sinha blinked and tilted his head innocently. "No."

"Wow he actually doesn't, well I heard that while you were battling Rozu, at one point you went crazy and almost kil-" Sora was interrupted by an angry Rozu.

"That's enough Sora! Jeez if you breathe one more word I'm gonna walk over there and stab you!" Rozu got angry.

Sinha looked with a puzzled face trying to think what Sora was saying but it didn't ring any bells.

"I mean if you could even walk over here with those injuries." Sora teased.

"That's it!" Rozu raged but was sooner stopped by Sinha.

"Injuries?! You aren't hurt badly are you Rozu?" Sinha was worried.

"Well that's only natural for a fight, I lost but it was a good fight. Sorry I sliced you with my sword a lot." She apologized.

"Huh what do you mean all I have are bruises no scars from a sword." Sinha replied.

"Huh? What? How could that be?" Rozu was puzzled.

"Well anyway guys tomorrow we can
finally train again!" Hikari excitedly chimed into the conversation.

"Why do you have to train?" Sora asked.

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