Chapter 27: Truth

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Ninja Dictionary:

⚔️Sacred Seal- A forbidden seal that can seal or revive a God or Deity, with the right amount of power, it can be absorbed by a person.

~ Illusion Village, Ninja Base ~

Hikari stood before Hades, glowing gold from the power of Hikari-Deus. Hades has golden dragon wings coming from his back, along with golden hair.

"You won't get away with this." Hikari grasped his fist tightly.

Hades had a stern look on his face, one that looked heartless and emotionless. "Achieving my goal is definite." He replied.

Hikari unsheathed his sword, Tsuragi. "Light Style, Heaven's Sword!" The blade flowed golden and powered up to a new level.

"Clever combination." Hades praised him. "Although I'm afraid this isn't a fair fight. Light Style, Solar Blade!" He forged a blade of light and clashed with Hikari.

Sparks flew, rubble disintegrated, smoke spread throughout the twilight sky. "His strength is too much." Hikari was pushed backwards.

Hades withdrew his blade, then quickly thrusted the blade. The sword slashed Hikari's left shoulder, leaving blood to trickle down his arm. "You lack enough speed as well." Hades stared.

Hikari glared. "I lack nothing! I will make myself stronger to show you my will, my hope, my ambitions!"

Hades sighed. "Yuki." He muttered and withdrew his blade.

Hikari stared at him. "Why are you saying my clan's name? You won't dare speak it again!" He got angry, his blue eyes were as fierce as ocean waves.

"I do on the contrary. You don't know me, Hikari, rather you used too. After I blocked out your memories, you forgot." He stated.

"You were one? You caused my amnesia!" Hikari was outraged.

"That's correct. In fact I erased them twice to be precise, although that's a story for another day."

"What do you mean! Tell me now!" Hikari got upset.

"I guess you should know one thing before I start." Hades breathed in heavily.

"And what's that?" Hikari asked, distrusting of him.

"My full name is Yuki Hades."

Hikari's eyes widened. "Y-Yuki?"

"Yes. You see not only was I in your clan. I'm the son of Akane and Kyoko, which makes me-" Hades was cut off.

"My brother." Hikari shuttered from this news.

"Yes Hikari. I am your older brother, Hades Yuki."

Hikari's jaw dropped. "I don't believe it. I don't believe it!" He first whispered, but then began to yell.

"It's true, you know it is." Hades could tell Hikari was regaining memories.

"How? How is this possible!?" Hikari saw flashbacks of his past. 

~ 8 Years Ago, Kami Village ~

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