maybe she might like me though?

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After a couple more hours asleep I finally woke back up and slowly opened my eyes. Connor was laid there staring at me. I shook in the bed and he just laughed.. 

"how long you been starring at me?" I joked. 

"Not long, but in the time I have you've smiled, dribbled, and cried." He replied. I looked at him with a puzzled face.

"Must've had a bad dream, that turned into a good dream and by the way Connor please don't tell no one about that." we both started laughing. I actually felt ok with him again. We're just play pals but I really do like him. I got my hand and gently pushed his shoulder in a way of telling him to shut up. He grabbed my hand and I find myself holding hands with him. He pulled our hands towards him making me shuffle over to his side of the bed. He was leaning in to kiss me but I knew it was wrong so I jumped back and got out of bed but sat at the end off it.  

"Bethany, what's wrong?" Connor's morning voice broke through. 

"This is all wrong" I responded.

"What is?" He said whilst sitting up and joining me at the edge off the bed. 

"I know you're still seeing Katie, so why are you being like this with me?" I assumed

"Me and Katie are over, the text she sent me yesterday is a load off bullshit, she's literally deluded. She can't take the fact that we've split up. I promise you with all my heart Beth that we are not together. If we we're I would've told you that we was, but we aren't. I will even call her up now to get a confirmation?" He asked but I said I believed him. A tear rolled down my face and he saw. 

"Come here" He opened his arms for what I guess will be a hug. 

"I'm sorry for not believing you" I buried into his chest not wanting to let go but eventually I had to. I looked down at my knees and they had grazes upon grazes. Connor was sat there laughing his head off and I was just looking at my knees asking my self what I did. By this time, faggot aka Connor was on the bed laid down laughing. 

"Are you gonna tell me or not!? I humorlessly asked, but no, he was still laughing. He grabbed my hand and I fell back laying at the side off him with my legs dangling off the bed. 

"what's so funny?" I asked him again. He looked at me and didn't say anything again. I jokingly punched him on the arm. 

"You fell over last night when you was drunk and you threw your tights in a bush" He tried to say whilst gasping for breath. Looks like I had a good night, don't know about any one else. I sat up and he asked where I was going. 

"A girl can't use the bathroom in peace these days?" He looked at me with those deep blue eyes and nodded. I finished off in the bathroom and went straight downstairs. His mum wasn't up yet so I helped my self to some cereals and sat down on the couch and saw Connor walk past with nothing but this boxers on. 

"Do you have to?" I said before shoving a spoon full off cheerios in my mouth. 

"Yeah, do you not like my body?" He said whilst wiggling his hands up his chest. I just rolled my eyes at him as he got some cereals and joined me on the settee. 

"What we doing today?" he asked me whilst wolfing down his cereals

"oh god not another day with you? don't know how I always end up with you." I said as I joke but he didn't look too amused. I started to laugh at him as he took it seriously. 

"i was just kidding you duggie" I said as I laughed hysterically.

"oh you're proper evil" he said whilst his accent shon through. We carried on watching a bit off telly and Cons mums walked past the room. 

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