being annoying

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"Yeah you better explain." Connor sounded really angry. I couldn't face him, he looked as though he was going to punch me. 

"Well he told us to slow down on our drinks and Gemma snapped at him, so I apologized on her behalf and then I asked him see if he wanted to go out for a drink sometime, just as mates of course. But now saying that back to you sounds like a really stupid idea. Any way aren't I allowed to have boys as friends these days?" I frowned at him. 

"That's all you had to do Beth, explain it to me. I'm with fine it." He nudged me and laughed. 

"I'm messing about with you." He added. 

"Your such an evil person you Con." I laughed and jokingly hit him back. 

"Are you two going to last on holiday, I can see you killing each other." James told us and then laughed. 

"Oh very funny James, HA HA." I jokingly laughed and then a loud continuous beep was coming from the carpark. 

"Our rides here." James stood up and grabbed Gemma and directed her to the car as she was in no state to walk over there by herself. 

"We'll see you later." Connor told them both and then pulled me up to walk home. 

"Brad how you getting home?" I looked over to Brad who was sitting there confused. 

"Flying." He jokingly said. 

"No really Brad. What are you doing?" Connor asked. 

"Idk." He supped his last few drains of his drink. 

"Chill at mine for a bit."  Connor asked and he nodded and got up. We set off walking to Connors. 

*At Connors* 

We arrived inside and his mum was walking around with Rex on her shoulder. 

"Mum what are you doing?" Connor looked confused.

"Feeding him, seems as though you are never home to feed him. What happened to always being home and never parting with him?" She asked. Connor just looked at me.

"I found Beth, that's what happened." He told his mum. I went a bit red, that was so cute of him.

"So your girlfriend means more to you than your beloved Rex." She replied. 

"Well. I love them both equally." He replied and you could see in his eyes that he didn't know what to say.

"It's fine Connor, it doesn't matter if Rex means more than me." I winked to him. He started to walk into the room so me and Brad followed him. 

"Last time us 3 was here, it was the start of mine and connor's relationship." I stated and sat down. 

"Awww yeah! And that's when I fell asleep hugging the xbox controller." Brad laughed and got out his phone. 

"You going on twitter?" I looked over his shoulder and he did exactly that. 

"I love creeping." He told me. Connor put on the music channel and we just started talking about random things. This is what best friends are for. Nice chilled out evenings talking about literally anything. Where would I be if I didn't meet Connor. I would still be working as a retail assistant, I wouldn't have met all the singers I have. I thank Gemma to the bottom of my heart for having a hot brother who's in a band. 

"Connor, you best not finish me when you get bigger or else I will lock you away so you can't look at any other girl." I laughed to him. 

"I wouldn't do that bro, you're just too good." He paused. 

"In bed." He added. 

"Connor, inappropriate." I started to laugh and Brad was sat there shaking his head. 

"You haven't even bedded me Con." I laughed. 

"Oh really." Connor replied. 

"You do know I am still here." Brad joked. 

"We know." Connor laughed along. Then we got talking about girlfriends and relationships. We need to get Brad a girlfriend. We think he's lonely but he has Jesse and he seems happy that's all that matters. 

It was getting pretty late. Connor's mum drove Brad home and I was staying the night again. Like normal boyfriends and girlfriends do. I dragged my self up stairs and got changed and jumped into bed and star fished. Connor came in and just looked at me. 

"If you're going to be a knob, you can just go home." He laughed. 

"But...this is my sleeping position." I hid my head under the quilt. 

"Beth fuck off. I've slept with you many of times. You never sleep like that you stupid idiot." He replied and walked to his side of the bed. I popped my head out of the quilt and let out a ltitle scream. 

"Getting aggresive are we." I told him and hid my head under the pillow again. 

"Hiding under the quilt wont' do anything, I can still see you." He replied then all of a sudden I felt all his body weight on top off me. 

"How do you like it now?" He said laughing. 

"Great. This is comfy, I can defiantly sleep like this. Think I'll get a better night sleep tonight." I joked and I felt him roll over and he pulled the quilt down and he was just starring at me with those beautiful eyes. 

"Stop being sarcastic Beth." He looked at me and then all off a sudden he jokingly bit my neck.

"I'm not fighting mate." I pushed my hands up against his chest and tried pushing him away.

"You'll never win, mate." He sarcastically said back. 

"I am, I'm strong." I pulled a face at him and then he gave up and flopped at side of me. He tried pulling the covers over him but I wouldn't let him.

"Woah you're being a bitch tonight." He said to me. 

"No, I'm just having a bit of fun." I smirked at him. 

"No, you're being annoying." He let out a little laugh. 

"Oh come on con. Don't be stupid." I pecked him on the lips and he pulled closer to me. 

"Want me to bed you?" He laughed and now he was the one being annoying. 

"Very funny." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, you said that earlier so do you want me to change that." He replied and rested his head on his hand and looked at me. 

"shutup Connor, you know we've had sex." We both started laughing and then he started nodding. 

"Gone quiet have you?" I jokingly said. 

"Beth, go to sleep before I kick you out of the window." He aggressively said. 

"Alright I'll shutup now." I turned around to see him laughing. I reached for the light, turned it off and placed my head back on the pillow. I felt a little nudge on my shoulder and "beth" echoed from Connor's mouth.

"What?" I replied.

"Kiss." He demanded, So I tried to find him in the dark searching around his body and face with my hands and when I found him I placed my lips and his and he gave me the sloppiest kiss ever. 

"Serves you right for being annoying." He laughed and made so much noise turning around in bed. 


So sorry that it's short. I really wanted to update for you guys. :) comment below if you like it. xx

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