too much fun

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Once the papers had been signed we all huddled into a group hug after hearing the fantastic news. We decided to go out for a meal to celebrate the boys success. Food restaurant names were flying around the room because we couldn't decide on a restaurant to go to. 

"McDonald's!" Connor suggested and everyone just looked at him with a puzzled face and then started laughing. 

"We are not going there, we need to go some where more classy." Tristan added.

"Classy? do we look classy to you? look at what we're wearing, converse, jeans and a vest top, way classy that Tris" Bradley laughed whilst putting on his red jacket. 

"why don't we just got to taybarns, frankie and bennys or something" I added to the list of names.

"Yeah, frankie and bennys." Connor strongly agreed whilst James rugby tackled him onto the settee. I looked at them and shook my head. 

"Pair of kids you two!" I said still shaking my head.

"Connor just pushed James of off him and grabbed his legs, James is fighting back, oh looks like he's getting him into the headlock." Brad said like the commentators on football. 

My dad returned to the room where we all were and told us that the paper work was all done and everything was set up for a little interview at the music companies studio. We got ready and went to frankie and benny's. Connor joined me in my car with Brad and Tristan and James and Gemma got in the car with my dad. We arrived at Frankie and Benny's and waited for a table. 

*couple of minutes of waiting we got a table big enough for us all* My dad got 2 bottles off champagne even though me and connor aren't 18. He poured us some and he put up his glass.

"Here's to the new boyband!" My dad grinned.

"And here's to the future" Brad also shouted. We took a sip and ordered our food. I felt very emotional and overwhelmed with everything that is happening and my eyes started to fill up with tears. Been through so much with Connor the time I've known him and I feel as though they're going to gain lots of fans and we're going to end up breaking up over it. I just aren't ready for it yet because I love the company off Connor I don't want anything to change just yet. He noticed my tears in my eyes and grabbed my hand that was resting on my knee and he squeezed it. I looked up to him and pulled him in for a hug and his strong aftershave rushed up my nose, nearly knocking me out. We got interrupted by our food arriving at the table. We dug in and scoffed it all down. Cause we're fatties. 

"Who's having a pudding?" Connor smirked.

"not me" James said whilst lifting up his top showing his six pack. Brad was sat next to him so felt his abs and rubbed his hand up and down. 

"Don't want to spoil his beautiful body now do we?" Brad laughed whilst James was smiling at him. 

"i'll have one with you Connor, we can share one" I looked at him and said which made a smile appear on his face. Just like a little kid. We ordered a sundae and it came within 5 minutes. All the others we're taking selfies and acting daft and then there was me and Connor eating icecream. 

"This is so good!" Connor said whilst scooping a bit on his spoon then he suddenly put that spoon on my face. 

"What was that for? Get it off now" I laughed. So he came come to my face and licked it off my cheek. 

"Couldn't you just have been normal and wiped it off with some tissue?" Gemma said whilst supping some of her drink. 

"He isn't normal" I prepared myself for a hit on the arm by Connor but he just pulled a face. We finished everything off and went home. Connor's stopping at mine for the first time and I'm actually surprised my mum and dad let him. I jumped onto the sofa and quickly laid down so no one else could sit down.

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