love is easy

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We enjoyed the sunset and then returned back home at dark. Archie had a good walk and passed out on his dog bed. It was the perfect time to just go and cuddle in bed with Connor so that's exactly what we did. We changed and crawled into bed, lifeless and tired. I faced Connor who was on his phone, checking his texts. 

"look at this" He showed me his phone and showed me a picture of Rex his mum had sent him. Rex is his other love of his life, his bearded dragon. He's obsessed with him, but it's cute how he loves him so much. 

"bless him." I looked up to him and he smiled and then text his mum back. 

"Rex can come over any time you know." I added and his smile grew bigger. He turned towards me and kissed my forehead.

"You're the best girlfriend in the world." He kissed my forehead again. 

"I need to go shopping for him, want to go tomorrow?" He turned his head towards me. 

"Of course we can." I laughed at him. He really does love that bearded dragon he spends more money on Rex than he does himself. We kissed goodnight and fell asleep.

The next morning we woke up pretty early to go shopping. We got changed and went straight to whether spoons for breakfast. Full English demolished in 20 minutes. Then we got in the car and headed straight to the mall to the pet shop. Connor looked like he was in heaven. Lots and lots of supplies for bearded dragons. He was smiling whilst looking all around the shop. I couldn't help my self but laugh at him. He then picked up a lead.

"Connor, no." I informed him.

"What?" He said looking at the price tag on the lead.

"Why would you want a lead? you're not going to take him for walks are you?" I weirdly asked.

"No, I'm just kidding." He laughed and put it back on the shelf. I jokingly hit him on the arm. 

"You're a idiot." I jokingly said and then wondered around the shop looking for stuff for Rex, even though I don't know what bearded dragons can have because I'm not an expert in anything like this. I walked around carelessly and Connor walked to me with food and a toy thing.

"is that is yeah?" I asked him as we made our way to the counter to pay for it. When we did I wanted to go to a normal shop, like new look or river island. I dragged Connor around these clothes shops and it looked like he was getting bored. 

"You have to put up with these things you know Connor." I said to him whilst picking out a top of my size. 

"Do you like this?" I added looking over to him.

"Why you asking me, I don't know anything about ladies fashion." He laughed and slurped on his shakeaway. 

"You're shit." I joked and then got it any way. I went to the till and we exited the shop. 

"We done yeah?" I asked Connor whilst taking his hand. 

"Yes." He replied and we headed off towards the car park but we was interrupted by a little group of girls. 

"Are you Connor Ball from The Vamps?" One girl asked and Connor looked at me as if to say 'what the fuck.' He replied back and told them that he was. 

"We've seen your covers on YouTube and well, they'e really good and we're just wondering if we could have a photo?" Another girl asked and Connor said yes. I took the group photo and handed back the girls their camera. 

"Nice meeting you girls, keep an eye out on our YouTube we'll have more covers up" He told the girls and hugged them all and they wondered off. 

"omg Beth, what the fuck just happened?! He turned around to me and his face lit up.

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