2 weeks later

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More and more days have passed. I've been going to work to take my mind off things but it's very awkward as I now work at the studios where Union J and The Vamps rehearse. I've seen them once as I try my best to not work with them. Dad's been sending me on other jobs and helping the receptionist whilst I've sorted things out with Connor but looks like nothing will get sorted. We are both completely ignoring each other and its ripping me apart. 4pm came around and it was time to finally go home. I got a text from Gemma asking if I wanted to go out, do a bit of shopping and a bite to eat and I could'nt say no to that offer. I stepped outside work and there Gemma was, with her mum in car. I opened the back door and shuffled in. 

"We're just waiting for James. We're going to take him home then mums going to drop us off at the shops" She smiled and got out her phone. James and Connor walked out and she turned around to me again. 

"Want to get in the front?" She asked whilst trying to keep a straight a face. 

"No, i'll be fine." I gulped as James walked to the car and noticed me and then got in and sat next to me, then Connor on the end. 

"How was work Beth?" James asked trying to make conversation. 

"Was the best, obviously James." I laughed and jokingly tapped him on the knee. Connor was on his phone and he turned into this shy little awkward boy. My heart started pounding and I wanted to cry. All my fault that we are in this situation. I should've just let my phone go dead. I just wanted to tell him that I'm sorry but I knew that he wouldn't reply back to me, as for all, he hates my guts. We arrived at Gemma and James' house and Connor and James got out and then we headed off to the mall. It was a good 15 minute drive and i got out my phone and was just scrolling through messages and tweets. Lots off people asking whats happened with me and Connor and it made me tear up again. I tweeted "twitter break, need to sort out my head." and then logged off. So hard to log off twitter, obsessed with it, but it's for the best. 

We reached the mall, got out of the car, and headed off for food first, of course. We decided to go to Frankie and Bennies seems as though that's our favorite place to eat. We ordered our food and got talking. 

"So, what's going on with you and Connor?" Gemma asked from across the table. 

"Don't get me started" I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. 

"Come on, something must have happened since the other day?" She asked whilst going to slurp on her drink. 

"No Gemma, it hasn't, we've literally not talked." I replied to her and her mouth dropped.

"Are you kidding me?" She nearly spat out her drink.

"I'm not kidding you Gemma, we literally haven't talked to each other." I said laughing. 

"Really? I thought you were marriage material." She also joined in laughing. 

"Yeah we are, obvs" I said then our food arrived and we dug in. 

After something to eat we headed off round the shops. I bought my self a new dress to cheer my self up.

"We need a night out bro" I shouted to Gemma who was on another clothes rack. 

"Good idea!" Her face lit up and we looked for an outfit for her. We decided on a day and that was the upcoming friday. I finish work early on a friday so that's perfect. Lots of time to get ready and make my self look accaeptable. We finished off shopping and went home. My house is down the road from train station so we headed off to my house and then i dropped off Gemma at home.

"And I will see you Friday, are you getting ready at mine?" I asked her as she was getting out of the car.

"Of course, you can do my makeup" She told me like I was some sort of beautician.

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