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"Is Max even big enough to go on these rides." I said whilst everyone was walking towards the first ride which was Air and it made everyone stop.

"Max and Finlay are tall for their ages, we'll have to see when we get there" my mum started laughing. And then I hear a snigger coming from behind us, so I looked over my shoulder and it was the girls again, taking pictures and laughing. The Vamps aren't even that big yet. Nothing has even been released, I'm so surprised with how many fans they've already got.

"Ignore them Beth." Connor said squeezing my hand.

"I can't, not when they're following us." I said loud enough for them to hear. We carried on walking and got to the Que.. Luckily the girls didn't follow us there. Max hasn't really been on big rides so this is going to be a new experience for him. We checked the height board and they both were just the right height. Which was lucky because this trip would have been pointless for them.

"Where am I sitting?" Max asked us all.

"I'm not going on" Mum replied and we all asked why in sync.

"Come on mum don't be a wuss." Max laughed at her so we dragged her on anyway. It went mum, me and then connor and in front of us Dad, Max and Finlay. I was actually crapping my self, not been on this ride before so I don't know what to expect. The barriers came down and our seats went back and the ride set off. My heart was racing 100mph. I'm not going to make this out alive. There was so many loops and dips it literally felt as though I was flying. The ride finished in like 2 seconds, it went so fast. I got off my seat and had to stand still as it felt as though I was still on it. I looked up and Connor was laughing so he linked his arm to mine and we slowly made our way to the shop to look at our picture what has got taken half way through the ride. I probably look like I was dead. We walked in and Max dad and Finlay was all stood laughing at the screens. And there they was all on the big screens on the wall. Bloody brilliant. Let the whole world see what a mess I look. We waited for our picture and Connor burst out laughing as well as mum. Them two didn't look bad, it was me, closing my eyes with my hair flung about everywhere. Got to say it was a pretty hot look, Not. We got the photo and I had to post it on twitter because it's the funniest thing id seen all day. I wrote "don't know about mum and con but I look dead😂" We then went to look around for some more rides and Max and Finlay wanted to go on them swings what fly really high, but me and connor didn't. So we told mum and dad that we was going on them cable cars just to chill out from that first ride. They didn't want to go on so we headed off to the cable cars and got into the que. It went pretty fast and we got into our car, but then a worker stopped the door. We was hoping we would have it to our selves but no, the stalker girls had to come into ours. I rolled my eyes and Connor just squeezed my leg. So I just looked to the window.

"Oh hey girls." Connor chatted to the fans.

"Do you mind us coming in your cart? Just the worker said it would be more better for us to come in with you so other people can get in." One of the girls replied.

"Erm no, it's fine." Connor said and I looked at him to say 'I'm going to kill you'. The cable car set off and then connor got more photos with the girls. I snapchatted Gemma and was like 'these bitches following us' and then as soon as I sent that she text me what was happening so I text her the most biggest paragraph in the world. She replied "push those motherfuckers out of the door, they don't deserve to be in your cart man, hang on, I'll phone Connor." she text back and Connor's phone soon rang.

"Sorry, I'll have to take this." And he came and sat down next to me, finally. "What's up Gemma" and then I heard her nearly shouting down the phone and he then he looked at me laughing. "Same old Gemma" I laughed to him.

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