one direction?!

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I woke up the next morning with the worst hangover in the world. I knew I shoul've listened to James and not have anything else to drink. But at the time it just seemed like a good idea, the weather was drawing me in. I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone. An hour before starting work. I sighed, I honestly thought it was still the weekend. I nearly cried, not going to lie. I went through my texts and seen the bar man text me. "What's your mates number?' oh ok. Just use me to get to my friends it's alright. So I went to text Gemma. 

'Dude, that bar man has asked for your number, do you find him hot? I'll give it to him if you like. Maybe you can get in the boyfriend gang.' I laughed a little and noticed Connor turn around and look at me with one eye. 

"We go on holiday soon Connor. Are you excited man?" I placed my head back onto the pillow. Times like this I don't want to leave the bed and just cuddle up with this loser all day long. But instead I've got to go out and work to earn money to survive. Times like this I wish I was just rich so I could just do nothing all day but still have money coming in. Why wasn't I born with some sort of talent like Connor. 

"I'm so excited, I haven't been on holiday in ages so this should be good. Especially with you. Wait no, you will cause some unnecessary shit." He smirked.

"Oh thanks." I laughed at him and then got out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom feeling and looking like shit. I refreshed myself, got changed, applied some makeup and went back into Con's room. It was getting nearer to work time. Connor stretched and rolled back over. 

"Excuse me, what do you think you are doing. You have work today also."  I started pulling the quilt.

"No I haven't, I haven't got a job." He moaned. 

"You're a singer, you need to go make some tunes so your fans don't get bored." I laughed and fully pulled the quilt off him. He had to face the fact that he needed to get his lazy ass out of bed and get ready to go to work. So he shuffled to the side, went over to his wardrobe and got out some clothes. 

"I'll see you downstairs, hurry up." I said as I walked out of his room and down the stairs towards the kitchen. I got out some rivita breakfast bars as I normally buy loads of munch on my dinner break. This is probably why I'm piling on the weight. Connor's mum had already set off to work so it was just us two losers that needed to go. Con finally got ready and came downstairs so we jumped into my car and headed off to work. I put the pin in the door and in we went. I reached over for a kiss and round came my dad. 

"Nice to see you here." Don't know if he was being sarcastic or not. I left him then went into my office and noticed a few papers on my desk. Showing some times that I'm working in next two weeks but I told them that I was going on holiday. I phoned my dad and raged down the phone to him.

"You knew I was going on holiday, what you doing!" I said angrily. He told me what happened so I had to go and tell Mary the situation. So that's what I did, great start to the morning. I was walking back and noticed George. 

"Well Hello there my gorgeous best friend." He said whilst coming over to hug me. It's nice that I've got best friends other than the lads. But the thing is they're all some how famous. I don't have normal friends any more. Well, these are normal, but you know what I'm saying. I told him that I had loads to do, so I gave him another hug and returned to my office. I placed my head down on the table for five minutes, to try rest this hangover and noticed me sleeping for 2 hours. How the heck did I manage to sleep like that for that long. I quickly sat up hoping that no one came into my office. I saw lots of emails and text messages so I slowly went through them and noticing one from the holiday company we booked our holiday from. "Beth, your holiday is 7 days away! we hope that you have all your luggage packed. We will see you soon!" I got so excited. Finally getting away from this place for a while. As I exited the email my dad strolled in. 

"The Vamps need refreshments for their studio room, can you do the honours please beth." He asked and left before I said anything. 

"Yeah that's fine dad, not like I've got loads to do." I sighed and pushed my chair back. I made my way to the kitchen, got some pop and shit for them, then strolled down to where they were. I walked in and they laughed at me. 

"What?" I looked at them confused. 

"Seems weird you coming in bringing stuff like that in here for us, we're normally used to Carol." Connor laughed. 

"Well, seems as though Carol's not here, I've had to do it." I sarcastically said but I didn't mean for it to come out as bad as it did. 

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." James said whilst grabbing a drink. 

"Someone wouldn't be like this if they didn't have this much to drink last night." Con smirked. 

"Very funny." I turned around and walked out and left them to it. I was getting more and more tired after that 2 hour nap I had on my desk. Time is literally dragging. I sat back at my desk, scrolling through clothes websites seeing if I could find any last minute bargains for the holiday. Good job no one else works in my office, I literally don't do anything.

Dinner soon came around and I went to the lads studio and then went to canteen. 

"Beth, we've got something to tell you but you're not allowed to let the word out to anyone or else we'll be in big trouble." I looked at James who just told me this news. I kind of got worried it sounded serious. 

"Ok go on." I said worriedly. 

"Well, One Direction are going to start coming to this studio in 4 weeks!" James said quietly so no one else overheard us. I was actually gobsmacked. This studio is good but not this good. Why the heck would they want to come to this studio. I asked the lads and who told them and it was someone else who worked here. 

"Someon told us earlier. And they want to come to this studio because it's kind of out of the way. No one really knows about it." Connor said. My mouth was to the floor, I couldn't speak. Hopefully I get to meet them. I got way to excited. 

"Does Gem know?" I couldn't contain myself. 

"No, but don't tell her yet." James said and I felt knocked back. She's my best friend obviously I'm going to tell her. 


Sorry about the delay, I feel sooo bad. Here it is! another part. Don't worry I'll start updating more :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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