officially signed

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I quickly phoned my dad as the excitement was rushing high and everyone was so pumped, would be a disappointment if my dad decided they wasn't good enough for the record deal he's working with. I typed away the number as fast as my fingers could and started to ring. I was pacing up and down the corridor waiting for him to pick up then suddenly heard his voice appear at the other end

"what's up darling?" 

"Dad, I mentioned this to you yesterday, Connor's band, The Vamps? You said you would come and listen to their music see if they are capable off being signed?" I asked

"Yes....." He said waiting for me to carry on

"Well, they're in the studio now, do you want to come here and listen?" I crossed my fingers with my free hand hoping he would say yes

"I can do, but mum's took the car" He said disappointed

"I'll come pick you and bring you back here!" I exclaimed

"That's fine, i'll see you inabit" and I put the phone down and shoved it into my pocket and rushed back to the boys. I waved at them so they would stop what they was doing.

"I'm going to pick up my dad and bring him here to listen to you guys!" I happily told them

"That's great! we'll get ready!" Brad said whilst placing his guitar down. So I jumped into my car and headed off home. I was actually so proud of the boys and how far they've come, I hope my dad gives them a chance. They deserve it. I pulled up onto the drive and out toddled my dad and Max and they joined me in the car. 

"I couldn't have left him in the house by himself, any way he's my second opinion." He said whilst checking Max had his seat belt on. We set off back to the studio, Max made me turn the volume up loud so he could dance to it. I couldn't really concentrate on anything as the music was ringing my ears, but we was soon at the studio any way. I locked my car and headed off into the studio followed by Max and my dad and went to where the boys we're sat. 

"boys this is my dad, and brother max" I told them and a flood of 'hey' came from the boys. Max ran over to Connor and hugged him and sat on his knee. The way he is with children is just great. Wonder if we'll have any babies together. Wait what am I thinking? we've fully been together a day, way to early to be thinking about children. I laughed to my self and my dad sat at the other side of the music room behind the glass window. 

"Come on now Max, the boys have got to perform for Dad." I told him whilst holding out my hand

"I don't want to hold your hand" He replied to me whilst sticking his tongue out. 

"i'll talk to you soon Connor" he added and turned around and waved. Awww a little bromance is forming here. Me, Gemma my dad and Max was all sat down waiting for the boys to perform. They chose 'year 3000' as they were brilliant at singing this song. Their voices filled the room and it was breathtaking. I looked over to my dad and I'm sure I saw a smile appear on his face a few times. I started to get butterflies in my belly. I looked over to Max and gave him a thumbs up and he put up his thumbs back. I think he likes them too. They finished the song and my Dad turned off the sound control so the boys couldn't hear our conversations.

"So? what do you think?" I nervously asked him. The boys we're just stood there looking into the booth. 

"They have potential. They look like a ready made band, I think we have somewhere for them, let me phone up my boss' He happily said and left the room to make the phonecall. My dad is the one who listens to acts, pass on his thoughts and then get's to hire them if the boss likes them. One step closer! just hope dad's boss says yes. I ran into the boys room and just jumped on Connor as he was the nearest to the door I went through. 

"My dad says yes, he's getting confirmation!" I practically shouted. We all pilled in for a hug and my dad walked in to where we was all hugging. 

"Boys, I'm pleased to tell you that you are now signed with our record deal!" My dad said with a big grin on his face.

"ARE YOU KIDDING US?" Brad asked with excitement. 

"No boys,it's really happening come here and sign these papers" My dad happily said when getting out his papers from his bag. I just looked to Connor and gave him the "you've made it" nod. They are now officialy signed and I feel like the most proudest girlfriend in the whole entire world.


Sorry this is short, I wanted to get them being signed out of the way. If you like it, comment, vote? thank you:)

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