First sight

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  • Dedicated to Adonia Allen-Versosa

A/N I dedicate this whole story to my best friend. ^ She is the Co-Writer for this story. She makes the story more, real. Our teamwork is the best! <3


"COME ON ADONIA!!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!" I screamed at her.

"Stop screaming at me! I'll be out in a second! Goodness, I'm gonna need some aspirin."Adonia said, as I ran out of her house.

Today, we are leaving to California... TO SEE ONE DIRECTION!!! AH!! It was a signing. But, we had to go there because they wouldn't be coming to Vegas. In the car, we jammed out to One Direction. Each one of their songs because we were so excited. It took hours until we finally made it to the hotel. Driving around, we saw so many fan girls screaming. One Direction were close.

It was late, Adonia's mom and my mom were out. We were starving and did not want to pay ridiculous prices for room service, so we went across the street to In and Out. While we were ordering, a swarm of girls came running. Yikes, what happened? We continued eating when we see guards coming out of a limo. We stared at each other, freaked out. "Ah!!! One Direction is here!?!? OMG!" I totally fan girled. They walked in, ordered, and sat at the table next to us. We tried not to stare. I got up to refill my soda when Niall had crossed my path to get their food. Oh my god. I tried so hard not to scream. I guess something caught his eye because he suddenly stopped. He walked to the soda machine where I was standing. Uh oh, what did I do? I was so nervous. I waved to him and muttered, "Hello, Niall."

He just kinda stared. That's when Harry yelled, "Whats Holdin' ya? Wheres our food?"

I quietly walked back to our table and told Adonia what just happened.

Nialls POV

I walked up to get the food when I saw, I don't exactly know what I saw, it just got my attention. I walked backward to the soda machine to see this very pretty girl. I don't know why, but I just couldn't stop staring at her. When she spoke, I lost it. What's happening? I was awoken from my thoughts when Harry yelled,"Whats holden ya? Wheres our food?"

I blinked and she was gone. I couldn't help it, but to watch her walk away. I don't understand what's going on. The boys were giving me strange looks as I walked back to the table.

"What was that all about lad?" Louis said.

"What was what all about?" I said, hoping they didn't notice that it was her that made me hesitate.

"You know, you just..stopped and..stared. What's wrong?" Liam adds.

"Oh, I just..saw a fan through the window making a ... weird...face.. ha." I said, thinking quickly.

"Ha! Was it like this?" Zayn says, making an impersonation of a fangirl's face.

"Uh..yeah.." I said.

"I saw her too!!" He says, while the others agree they did also.Wow, what a lucky one.

I watched as her and her friend got up and left. When I look at her, I just get hypnotized. I dont know why. I have to find out.


As I sit back down, I see them laughing and joking while Niall just glances at me every now and then. I tell Adonia what just happened.

"Wow.... OMG!" She said.

"Uh, What?"

"What if he has a crush on you!!"

My eyes lit up, she noticed and grinned. That's when I realized reality.

"Yeah, right, ha ha. I'm 15 and he's 20! Like, my chances with him are not even small. They are extremely small!"

Although, there was just a little bit of hope he did.

Adonia's POV (some POVs may be REALLY short)

I watched Savannah fled to refill her soda. I saw Niall get up and froze, stalking her with his eyes. She turns to notice him watching her. Then, turns to me. I mouth a 'talk to him!' She shyly utters a, "Hi." He doesn't say a word and continues to stare. She looks from me to him. She skips back over to the table as I continue to watch Niall. Still staring. Strange, what is this a movie? I looked over at his table to see Harry. I almost hate myself for liking him so much. (It's staying like that. :p ~A xx.)


We got up and left. I glanced at the boys and caught eyes with Niall. "Still staring" I realized and left. Note to reader: trying to get out of the crowd of girls is difficult.

Our moms came back and asked, "What did you girls do while we were gone?"

"We just went to In and Out, that's it. Nothing special." Adonia said.

"We might of sorta met One Direction." I added

"Ooh!" my mom said.

We all went to bed. We had a big day tomorrow! Adonia and I have plans to meet our future husbands.. Uh, i mean .. our celebrity crushes. Hehe.

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