The Paps.

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My P.O.V.

We headed over to my house first.



"I hated that school! But, I'm going to go to online school, or have a personal tutor. So, I can keep up with Niall!"

"Okay, honey. Whatever, I'm going to work. Bye." 

"Love you, too.." 

"What's up with her?"

"I think she's still getting used to Niall and I. But, I know she's happy."

We headed over to Adonia's house and I stayed outside with the guard.

"So, back to who are you and how  you know me."

"I'm Niall's personal guard, he sent me over to come and get you. He saw the magazine ad and was worried you would get hurt."

"Aw, he really does care about me!"

"He does, He talks about you alot to the other boys." I blushed.

Adonia's P.O.V

I stepped inside my house andsaw my mom on the couch on her laptop.

"I see Savannah has become very popular." She said, without even turning around.

"She's skyrocketing every teenage girl magazine ever. By the way, I quit school." I mumbled the last part.

"Oh, I know." She turned around to face me. She didn't look mad. Shoot, I thought I was about to get slapped.

"What? How? You're cool with this?" I asked, confused.

"Her mom called me when you guys were on your way here. Of course not, as much as you complained about that damn school. You really wanna go back to online school? You hated online school." She looked at me.

"Oh,okay. I guess I kinda have to for now. Just until high school, of course. Would it be okay if I travel with Savannah?" I smiled, sheepishly. Come on, I haven't traveled in so long. I might of had to go and make-believe on Google Maps again.

"I didn't say that." She sturnly said.

I just stood there staring at her, wide-eyed.

"I'm kidding." She laughed.

"Oh, yeah!" I jumped up and hugged my mom, in the same breath. I raced back to my room. I packed basically my whole closet. I didn't know where I was going, how long I was gonna be gone. Totally clueless. I packed some journals, my blanket and other stuff I need to have with me EVERYWHERE.

I was almost waddled out the door, bags and all.;

"Adonia, hold on!" she called to me. I paused on the step.

She came out and handed me a credit card.

" Oh my Snapple. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hugged her tight.

"You're welcome. Now, don't spend all of it. I don't want you to be broke. See you."

I walked out the door.

"Bye mum! Love you!" And I left.

My P.O.V

Adonia came out of her house with several suit cases filled.

"Uh, what's those for?"

"I over heard the convo. Since, we gon' be travelin', I packed, y'know, everything. And credit card. Boom."


"So, where are we going? Get me outta this city, now."

"My specific orders were to get you and bring you over there. But, they're busy with interviews. So, I thought you would fancy going shopping. My treat." 

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