Going home

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I woke up and we were already on our way home.

"Are you awake now?" Adonia asked.

"Kinda. Are, are we going home now?"


I started to cry. I missed him.

"Child, why are you crying?" Adonia asked, sympathetically.

"I miss him. I cant be without him!"

"It's okay. Infact, he left you this."

Another note.

"Dear princess, I know our time was short, but, remember I love you. Here are tickets to the rest of our concerts on the tour. Don't worry, I set up plane rides there and back. I miss you, I know you probably don't remember what I said about my surprise, since you fell asleep. Did you know you are so adorable when you sleep? Well, you are. But, the surprise is, look in the box. Plus, look at what you're wearing. I hope to see you very soon. Love Nialler. <3"

I opened the package to see One Direction merchandise, all signed by the boys.Then, I looked at what I was wearing, a hoodie saying "Nialler's Princess". It was signed by him with a cute little note,"I love you ~Nialler", and other boys' signatures. I started to cry again. All my feelings came out, I was crying, then laughing , then fangirling over and over again. I was a hot mess. I slept the rest of the way home.

Niall's POV

Paparazzi is everywhere. This will defiantly go viral.

"So, you're leaving right when I drop you guys off?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yup, our moms packed already. It's really such a shame. I enjoyed being here, and hanging out with Harry." Adonia giggled, blushing a little.

"He enjoys your company, too" I winked."I just wish I could have more time with her."

"I understand, she really is smitten with you."

"Harry seems to have taken a kinding to you." I laughed.

She laughed, "Nah."

"Well, earlier, he really seemed intrigued in your story. By the way, what was it anyway?"

She started telling me, smiling at the thought.

Harry's POV

"Hey, Harry." She said, all giggly.

"Hello, love." I replied, smirking. I could tell she melted under that.

We had an awkward silence of just staring. I was taking in all her features. It looked like she didn't quite know what to say, so I broke the silence.

"Did you enjoy the concert?" I asked.

"Definitely, it was fan-static! I really loved your-I mean, you guys. Do you hear that? I think Savannah calling me. Peace."

She walked out and Louis walked in. He then sat on me.

"Hey Hazza, whatcha doin." He asked me.

"Get off of me, fat ass." I joked

He sticked his tongue out. I wiggled underneath him, trying to free myself. That's when she walked back in.

She laughed, "Very cute. I left my ticket stub."

I finally pushed Louis off of me. We both fell to the ground, laughing. Soon, Louis grabbed Adonia and pulled her into the pile of laughter.

We all got up and met the boys in the back room.

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