What have I got into?

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A/N I forgot about adding the next chap, sorry! I've just been busy...aha, yeah right. Busy procastinating! Lol, but here it is now! Drama, drama, drama. Who remembers the show "Total Drama Island"? Everytime, I hear the word drama, it reminds me of that.

*2 months later*

My P.O.V

Devon and I really hit it off. I still break down after Niall every so often. I've seen news articles and magazines with him not being himself. It's like, wow. Just wow. Why would I affect him and his career at all? About a week ago, it's been rumoured that he has found himself a new, not in high school, model. Psh, and he said he'd rather date a fan! Which was me! Sorry, I'm ranting, let's get back to what's happening now.

"Hey!" Adonia called up to me as I stepped out my door.

"Hey.." I replied.

"Stop thinking about him, he's not worth your time. Plus, you have Devon now. Rumor has it he's planning to ask you out." She winked, wriggling her eyebrows.

"OMG! Really?!?" Ever since our sweet 16, Devon and I have gotten closer and closer. He's a real charmer! Surprisingly, Adonia agreed with me. He somehow made it past her relationship test.

"Mhm, now let's go to school!"


"I'm off. Peace!" Adonia ran to her next class.

I opened my locker and exchanged the books in my hand for the new ones i needed for the next classes.


I turned around. It's Devon.

"Oh, hey!"

"So, uh, would you like to maybe, go to Starbucks with me after-school?"

"I'd love to!" I beamed and headed to my next class.


"OMG! I heard Devon asked you out on a date!" Adonia gasped.

"Erm, yeah. How'd you know?'

"The whole school, well, most of it, is talking about it! He is pretty popular, y'know." She said.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot. " I laughed.

"So, details!"

"Okay, okay. Well, he came to my locker after you left, and asked me to meet him at Starbucks after school."

"Awww! My little Savannah is going on her first date!"

"Shh! Shut up, no one else needs to know that! "


I waited at the Starbucks across the street from the school. While waiting, I decided to tell my mom.

Hey mom, I just wanted you to know I'm kind-of going on a date after school, well, right now. I'll be back by 5! Love you.

"Hey." I looked up to see his blue eyes staring at me with curiosity. They aren't that brilliant blue like Niall's. But, they were still beautiful.

"Hey." I smiled.

We ordered our drinks and talked about random randomness.

"Do you need a ride home?"

"Sure, that'd be great."

The drive to my house was quiet. He seemed to be thinking hard about something.

"That house right there." I pointed to it.

He parked his car and got out to open my door.

"What a gentleman you are." I winked.

Reality Ruined My Life (A one direction dream)Where stories live. Discover now