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          I still couldn’t find any sleep. I even counted sheeps already but it was no help. It felt like the time had stopped before me.

          So, I grabbed the mixtape and decided to give it a go.

          “This first song—I like it very much because the music calms me down. Dan Fogelberg’s voice is like the water that runs to the shore then goes back again to vastness of the sea.”

          Then the song played. It was Longer. I liked that song, too.

          My eyes were closed as the song kept on playing. Yesterday—the yesterday that was a month ago—I was so scared that I would never ever find something that I would love to do, scared that someone wouldn’t appreciate me. I was scared for many more reasons and I could go on if I had to.

          But right now, at this time, there’s one thing I wanted to happen.

          And that was to be friends with him..

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