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Blink Of An Eye

In the blink of an eye, Ramona went to suddenly feeling lost and alone, wandering the woods as she was left behind by her parents, hearing the broken down car's muffler backfire and drive away.

She was only little, never caused them any problems after the first blow in anger she took from her mother, then step-father.

She still had the scar marking her face, it had scabbed over as they sent her to her closet of a room and didn't tend it.

She followed the noisy car until she finally reached the parking lot and sighed deeply as all signs of her parents were gone. They came here pretending they were having a picnic, even came with food in a basket but everything was gone from the picnic table.

As her mom was setting up the table, spreading the wonderful smelling food out, her step-father took her for a walk. He knocked her down, hit her with his booted foot and rushed off, leaving her behind.

She huddled in her light jacket as the wind picked up and soon it started to rain. She kept wiping her face, tears and rain mixed, she was so tired and hungry.

After a few hours, she heard strange noises behind her in the woods, scaring her. So she got up and nearly fell as she stumbled repeatedly as she walked down the side of the road, the way they had come.

She did stumble and fell when she saw the huge wolves come out of the forest to run across the road in front of her. She covered her face but didn't whimper until they stopped and came at her.

She whimpered don't hurt me, I'm a scrawny no good pup. She repeated what her parents yelled at her over and over again from when they hit her. The wolves froze hearing her voice. A few stopped and sat while others ran off.


A dozen years later, Ramona was well known for being the pack omega. The pack nearby where she was found had taken her in as the wild wolves that found her, alerted them, leading them to find her.

She had been picked up and taken to their pack house and carried down to the pack infirmary to be checked over.

By then she was soaking wet, cold to the bone and started coughing. All she remembered was weakly replying her name was Ramona to the doctor when he asked her name before blacking out.

The doctor evaluated her age at 3 yrs old and she was given the date they found her as her birthday. She eventually got better and was then packed off to live with a pack family that already had 3 kids around her age.

As she grew older, she ended up being short compared to everyone else. They called her the runt or omega. As she grew older and started to hear her own wolf in her head, she sighed with relief. She hadn't known she was really a she-wolf until that very moment she heard her wolf.

When she turned 16 and didn't shift, her wolf mumbled they weren't ready yet as the family that took her in, started calling her a defective wolf. It stung as she now felt tainted.

When they moved and a month later and joined another pack, Ramona was moved out from her guardian's home into the new pack house.

She figured it was because they didn't want to be known as her family, a defective wolf that will bring them down. Sally, wanted to get rid of her as she was bound and determined to mate her daughter's off with males with higher status.

They moved to a pack whose pack territory bordered two others. All packs children went to the same school as it was centered among the three packs.

Ramona took a bus to school with the others living in the pack house, while Sally drove her girls to school. Ramona as far as she was now treated, was no longer considered a member of their family and it hurt.

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