☆ Tessa Geri ☆

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Tessa Geri

Blink Of An Eye

Tessa was shocked to see her parents on stage when she rushed to the back yard of the pack house. She had been told to attend the meeting but she got off late at work and rushed home to shower and change.

She missed about 10 minutes of the meeting, so she took a seat at the back of the pack. When she felt someone sit down beside her, she looked quick then froze as she turned her head to see him again.

Soon she blinked and reached out to pinch him, she gasped and threw herself on him as he was really there. She groaned before she felt a hand touch her and felt the shock, felt the shivers race up her spine as someone pulled her off her brother.

In the blink of an eye, her thin T-shirt collar was pulled back and he bit her sweet spot. She moaned and was soon stopped as he finished marking her and kissed her deeply. She grabbed his face and kissed him again before looking into his shocking deep blue eyes.

Oh my god, she mouthed as Adrian, next Alpha of the pack chuckled and said hello mate. Her brother snorted and got up, punched Adrian in the shoulder and said you're her mate, well, she is my younger sister.

She stuttered but I thought, I was told, what the hell? Colin chuckled and said whatever you were told or heard were all lies. We heard some rumors made it back to the pack Tessa and came to make sure everyone knew the truth.

She sighed and said those rumors huh? I heard Adrian found his mate and claimed her. I heard you were later found with the said mate and was beaten. She looked him up and down and said you don't look beaten.

Colin huffed and said well they were all lies, spread by wannabe jealous bitches who were trying to trap Adrian and I in to a mating. She snorted before they heard their names being yelled at from center stage.

Adrian chuckled as he tossed her over his shoulder and rushed them onto the stage. She heated up as he rubbed his hand up her legs to her thigh.

Adrian nearly groaned out loud, her scent was driving him crazy the more she heated up. By the time he reached the stage he was nearly sweating. He slid Tessa down to her feet and made her stand in front of him.

He wrapped his arms around her front and kissed his mark, as her parents grunted and said what, how, I thought...? Adrian said I told you she was my mate, you're the ones that told me to wait. I had to mark what's mine and will claim her too, I can't wait.

His father growled at the crowd and told them to settle down. He looked at Adrian and said good to see you son, you too Colin. Snuck in and claimed your mate, I saw you son, it was priceless.

Tessa huffed and said talk about timing, I had just sat down too. Her mother grunted out loud and asked what the hell are you wearing Tessa? Tessa blanked her face, looked back and said well, I showered and grabbed the first thing I could reach, do you not like my fancy attire mother?

Adrian stuck his hands in her loose pockets and asked whose shorts are these? She grunted and said she'll shoot me now. He chuckled and said they sure look like a pair I used to own.

Her mother snorted and Colin huffed and said leave her alone mother. Adrian said I like her wearing my clothes. Tessa said he's the one that left them in my room, I just claimed them as mine.

Her mother growled out when did he leave his shorts in your room Tessa? Tessa sighed as Adrian smirked and kissed his mark to calm her down and snickered.

His father grinned and asked were you both up to no good? Tessa leaned her head back and said he got mad and shifted? Adrian kissed her head and said it was the night I found out she was my true mate, I climbed in her room and shifted, laid down beside her. Nothing happened except in the morning I went to my room in my wolf form and forgot my shorts by her bed. One of many I left behind I am sure.

Tessa grunted as her mother growled out you need to have a check up Tessa. Tessa said nothing happened in my bed mother. Adrian mind linked her and said no, not in your bed.

She elbowed him and said you can hear the truth in my voice. Adrian nodded and said nothing happened. He looked at Colin and said you explain to the pack, I need to take my mate away from here before I get too pissed off at your mother.

He lifted Tessa up and carried her off the stage and headed off into the woods. As soon as they were far enough away from everyone, he set her down and stripped off her clothes then his.

They both shifted and she ran as he chased. When he pounced he held her down and mated her in wolf form before they shifted back and they finished the claiming as they marked each other while mating.

When they got back, Adrian was carrying Tessa on his back. She put her lips by his ear and said watch my mother's face. They both did, as soon as her mother turned to see them, she glared at them.

Adrian mind linked his parents and asked what the hell was wrong with Delores as she was glaring at them both. His parents turned to look at Tessa's mother and saw her face before she blanked it seeing them look at her.

Alpha Albert mind linked his Beta and said control your mate Davies, she has flipped her bloody lid, angry at my son and his new mate for who knows what stupid reason.


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