Part 11

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I don't know how long Laura stayed but I know when I woke up from a nap and the sky was black, she wasn't there. I checked my phone and there was an unread text from her, 'I'm sorry I had to leave but I waited till you fell asleep. I'm so sorry about what happened. Let me know if you need anything at all. I'll love you forever. X' My heart was broken but things like this were going to help mend it. I know I'm a drama queen and can make anything dramatic but my feelings right now at this very moment are anything but dramatic. They are more true than I've ever known and I'm proud of that. Even though I feel so broken right now and like I've been destroyed what I feel for Simon is the greatest truth there is and I can only hope that he realizes that. In his heart he knows and he feels the same but he needs to be able to make his mind up for himself and decide what he wants. If he chooses to leave me I will accept it and move on knowing I gave him everything of me but if he chooses to stay I will show him everyday what he means to me. Laura had called my mum earlier and told her what was happening and when I walked into the kitchen I found a bouquet of flowers along with some snacks and a note. 'I love you so much and I hope these little presents make you feel better. Forever, mum. X' A smile spread across my face and i realized that I could spend my time feeling sorry for myself or I could just keep myself busy and know that in the end everything will work out the right way.

The first thing I was going to do to get my mind off things was a late night bath. Nothing couldn't be fixed with a warm bath, a cup of tea, and a good movie. So I went into the bathroom, ran the water then set up a table with my laptop. Then I went back into the kitchen and fixed the tea before returning to the bath and getting everything ready. As I was trying my best to relax I head my phone ringing. Thinking it was my mum or Laura, I answered without checking.
'It's Simon.'
Suddenly my heart sank deep into my chest and every emotion I was trying to suppress rose up again.
'Simon... I... I don't know what to say.'
I tried to hide my tears and I could hear his breath trembling. I knew he was suffering.
'Adele, I need to see you. You don't know how incredibly sorry I am.'
Should I forgive him? Maybe we just needed to talk things out.
'I'm sorry too. I never wanted to hurt you.'
Silence fell over the conversation and I could hear Simon softly crying. It was in this moment that I knew he was the only person I wanted to be with for the rest of my life and nothing was going to change my mind. This man who was crying on the other end of the phone and who would do anything for me was the only one I wanted.

I couldn't believe she actually answered the phone. Just the sound of her voice made my heart skip a beat. In this moment I knew she was it for me. I had to make this right and let her know that never in a million years would I want to hurt her. My mind froze and everything I wanted to say couldn't come out. I was getting more frustrated and heartbroken with every second that went by. All I wanted was to be with Adele again and hold her and tell her how much I loved her. The mere thought that she might not forgive me was one that kept surfacing. But it was Adele and if she felt anything like I did she wanted this to work also.
'We should of talked this out instead of me just leaving.'
I could hear her breathing starting to get heavy and the last thing I wanted to do was make her even more upset.
'We both made mistakes but the thought of you never coming back destroyed me.
She was trying to hide her tears but I could hear her voice cracking. I hated that I messed up so bad but I just needed to know what to do to fix it.
'If you want to make this work you can never do that again and if you do we will be over. I can't handle that again.'
That was all I needed to know that she wanted to keep going and make this relationship even stronger.
'Adele Adkins, I swear to god I will never do anything like this again.'
Once again silence fell over us and neither said a word for what felt like five minutes.
'Come home, Simon...'

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